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A very big thank you.. (1 reply and 3 comments)

2 months ago
Phil_D 2 months ago

Hi All,


Just a quick note to say that I passed my Foundation exam this morning and it's all down to Essex ham for putting on the free course thanks guys for your work and a big thank you from my heart.

73 Phil  

George M0URB
2 months ago
George M0URB 2 months ago

Congratulations Phil, and welcome to the hobby!


George M0URB


Peter M0PWX (2E0PWX)
2 months ago

congrat on the pass phil,

now to get your callsign and get on the air

so do you have any idea of what part of the hobby you are going to try first?

VHF / UHF FM into repeaters?
HF voice or data, you get world wide with your 25 watts with FT8 digital modes and a modest antenna

satellites, baofeng and a handheld 2m/70cm yagi you can call EU stations via the ISS cross band repeater with 5w or less

like passing your driving test the fun and real learning begins now you have passed :)

peter M0PWX
(not pete M0PSX who runs the site)

2 months ago

Xiegu g90s and a fibreglass vertical Antenna and into Europe with ease.
Enjoy the hobby! That is the main thing

2 months ago

Hi Peter,
The callsign is M7WED and I am looking into the data side and might try voice a bit later. I am now studying for my Intermediate. I have got myself the Yaesu FT-710 for the data, but I am still reading up on which antenna to get but will let you know.
Phil M7WED

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