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Real SDR Tranceiver for very little money (No replies)

3 months ago
G4POP 3 months ago

I have been using Software Defined Radio since it was first introduced and have owned most of the commercial SDR receivers and tranceivers. My favourite ended up being the SunSDR 2 DX which I have now enjoyed for 3 years and I would not change it.

However a few months ago I heard that the Hermes Lite 2 was now available now as a no solder kit, at 84 small work is difficult for me, so I ordered one from Makerfabs in China and a week later it was on my desk.

Assembly took about 30-45 minutes and after downloading the free software it was up and running connected to my 140ft Doublet.

What a little gem! this radio astounds me not being far short of the performance of my SunSDR and with some features that the Sun does not have. Its interesting to note that the early Anan 100 was one of these!

The Hermes Lite 2 combined with a 100w linear amplifier is a full SDR transceiver provides the following features:

Frequency coverage - 0 – 38Mhz

Up to 4 receivers (Slices)

384 Khz bandwidth on each slice

Adaptive pre distortion (Pure signal)

Diversity receive

Probably the best noise reduction ever using either the Thetis NR2 function or the SDRC systems.

When compared with the ‘leading’ commercial SDR transceivers costing several thousand pounds this little unit punches far above its weight.

Hermes Lite 2 (No solder) kit inc. filter board and case                                £270.00

Hardrock 50+ 100w amp                                                                               £260.00

Software (Thetis, SDR Consul, etc)                                                                  Free

Total   = £530.00

Highly reccomended!

de Terry G4POP

Log4OM Developer                                                          
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