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Beofeng GT-5R programming (1 reply and 1 comment)

3 weeks ago
M7FQL 3 weeks ago

Hi all,

Trying to add a repeater to my little radio, but no idea how to do it. The software with the radio does not seem to work, and my computer won't download it from the website. I have managed to connect via CHIRP software but I'm lost when it comes to adding the details for the repeater.

Any help appreciated :)
3 weeks ago
M7XMP 3 weeks ago

Have you connected to the right COMM port?

If you're in Windows then you can check your COMM ports by going to Control Panel >> Device Manager >> Ports.

If on Linux then you can open a terminal(Ctrl+Alt+T) and type in "

dmesg | grep tty

" and it should show you your COMM ports (usually start with "tty").

Check your ports without the radio connected and then do it again with the radio connected. Whichever port appears the second time round will be the radio.

Keep note of the COMM name/number.

Plug you radio in and open the attached .csv file in CHIRP.

Go to Radio >> Upload(Alt+U) then select your radio brand, type/model and COMM port.



If you want to do it manually then you can open up CHIRP and download from radio(Alt+D) or (Ctrl+O) for a new file. Then you can put the Output freq under Frequency, name under Name. You can then choose the offset direction which will be - for GB3HN. Next to the offset directtion box put in the offset freq (0.9).

For the CTCSS Tones click on TMode and select Tone. Enter the CTCSS freq next to it and then you can upload to your baofeng.

Let me know the details if it doens't work.

Hope this helps :-)


3 weeks ago

Sorry. Essex Ham doesn't support CSV files :-(

Just paste the text below in a new file entitled GB3HN.csv

Hope it helps.

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