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Thicker cables (1 reply and 1 comment)

3 years ago
M7VCZ 3 years ago

High everyone

I have decided to update my shack with some new and thicker 213 coax, being in the lucky position of having more than one radio I find it very difficult to change from one rig to another(because of the thickness and postion of the cable), would I be defeating  the point of lower loss cable if i installed a antenna switch and a short run off RG 58 which is much more user friendly.

Any advice would be appreciated,

Regards Paul M7VCZ


Peter M0PWX (2E0PWX)
3 years ago

rg58 for patch leads is fine, its when you get longer runs depending on frequency

RG58 on top band (160m / 1.8mhz) is no issue

RG58 on 20m (14mhz) or higher becomes more of an issue for losses on longer runs

you have a couple of options 

a SO239 f-f coupler to add a metre of RG58 onto the end of the RG213


put the RG213 into a 2 or more way manua antenna switch then a couple of short RG58 patch leads to the 2 rigs (need to remember which one is connected to antenna so you don't TX without antenna on a rig)


3 years ago

Thanks Peter
I have been looking at antenna switchs and came across this(below) this would rule out the problem of forgetting to switch over to the rig which was in use at the time
Zetagi SW2 Automatic Antenna Switch

An automatic 2-way antenna switch, allowing you to operate 2 radios on a single antenna. Ideal if you have radios in 2 separate rooms or just to save the need for manually switching your antenna.

Automatically switches the antenna to your radio as soon as you transmit, no manual switching required.

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