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Joining & Contacting Clubs (2 replies)
I know that the details for thurrock acorns are correct.
The problem of incorrect contact details is endemic, I pity Steve having to get the correct info for 30 clubs, not a fun task.
That said things are better now that the used to be, at one time some clubs didn't bother to say where they met - everyone knew where and when they met so why state the obvious! Fortunately it's been a while since I've run across a club like that.
The only sure way of knowing the contact details are correct is to actually try and email and ring the number displayed. Digital or character transpositions are not unknown and are only discovered by using the exact info quoted in Club Finder.
A number of clubs give completely different contact details in the Club News section of RadCom to what appears in Club Finder. I think there's a lot to be said for clubs only publicising a single contact point.
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Hi all,
Thought I'd share the following message that was circulated via the RSGB earlier today. If you're a member of a local club, or serve on the committee of one, checking your club's contact details is worth doing:
From Steve G0FUW
We often moan about no new people joining Clubs any more. That may be a reflection of society at large but I have just tried to send contact details for about 30 clubs to the Arkwright scholars who passed the Foundation exam at Bletchley Park two weeks ago and I found it extremely difficult to find accurate contact details for many of them.
Many of the websites quoted in Club Finder are out of date and e-mail addresses (where provided) are incomplete and/or bounce because they are no longer valid.
Clearly, if newcomers cannot find contact details, they are unlikely to get in touch.
If you find any issues, please let your web person/secretary know; corrections are for local people to do, not a job for RSGB HQ.
Thought I'd share, as it pays to make sure your clubs is contactable...
The club finder is here: https://rsgb.org/main/clubs/club-finder/
Pete M0PSX