The RSGB Syllabus v1.5 update affects exams from the 1st of September 2022. The Essex Ham “Foundation Online” course has been updated to reflect the changes, which are largely related to EMF.
To help the amateur radio training community, we’ve released our EMF material free to other clubs and tutors.
Our set of slides has now been updated to include EMF. Updates have been made to Module 4 (Feeders and Antennas) and Module 6 (Licence Conditions). These are free to UK tutors and clubs, and have the neutral branding “Ham Train”: Ham Train Foundation Slides

We’ve released a short YouTube video for students. If you wish, you can send your students a link to the video: HamTrain EMF Video on YouTube
Mock Questions
We have added a total of 12 questions (so far) to the Ham Train mock pool. Three of our questions have been published on HamHub – students and tutors are welcome to try these out. See: EMF Mock Questions
- Essex Ham’s 1-page EMF Assessment PDF (right-click to download)
Links to online resources:
- RSGB Syllabus page
- HamTrain Notes for Students: RSGB EMF Guidance
- Essex Ham’s “Getting Started” page for EMF Assessments
- Essex Ham’s EMF Assessment 1-page PDF
- EMF guidance from Ofcom: Ofcom EMF Guidance
- EMF guidance from RSGB: RSGB EMF Guidance