Nothing in particular – You’ll need a web browser, an Internet connection, and at least 3-hours free time to study each week. We’d strongly recommend you get a copy of the RSGB’s “Foundation Licence Manual”, which costs around £5. This is the official book that supports the course, and our online course broadly follows the structure of this book. More: Foundation Licence Manual
Just a tad worried about having to buy a printer for some of the PDFs. Those are about £60-£70!
I’m not sure if this is a serious point, or a joke. There is a 4-page booklet used for the exam that we recommended you print, for your own convenience. We are not forcing you to buy a printer. If you don’t have access to a printer and don’t know anyone with a printer, then don’t print it. Alternatively if you really want a printout but have no way of doing this, email me and I’ll print you a copy for a small fee.