We offer an online training course to help those in the UK to study for their Foundation Amateur Radio Exam. Courses run once a month, at the start of each month, and courses are free.
We’ve been running our online course since May 2015, and at the time of writing, over 12,000 people have enrolled. For a flavour of what the course is, and how it works, please watch the following video:
Need to start straight away?
Normally, our course runs for 3 weeks, starting on the first weekend of the month. Occasionally, we’re contacted by people keen to take the course without waiting – typically because they have an imminent exam and need to complete our course without waiting for the next planned course.
For those with an exam booked who are looking to study quickly, we have a fast-track classroom.
What is Fast Track?
Our fast-track classroom offers the same content as the main course, but rather than delivering the course slowly over 3 weeks, all lessons and course material are instantly available.
You’ll get access to all 9 modules, course slides and course videos, plus tests at the end of each module, a mid-course mock and an end-of-course mock.
We don’t normally recommend this method of study, as our tests have shown that students rush through, take multiple sessions in one sitting, and don’t take time to learn or digest the material. Our stats show lower average marks when the course is not spread uniformly over a few weeks. Nonetheless, if you can’t wait until the next scheduled course, or have an urgent need, we can arrange access to our Fast Track Classroom.
How do I join Fast-track?
For us to enrol you on Fast Track, you must have first registered on one of our courses – Sign up for Foundation Online.
We’re able to run our regular free courses by having multiple candidates on the same course at the same time. Fast Track requires more admin time for us, so due to the extra overhead in setting up access to the fast-track classroom, we ask for a small donation where possible to help to cover our running/hosting costs. If you’d like to go for ‘Fast Track’ and to support us by making a donation, please go to Donate to Ham Train.
You need to send us an email once you’ve made a donation, and we can arrange to set you up for the Fast Track option.
Access to the fast-track classroom is valid for 90 days only.
Got a question?
If you’ve got a question, check our Foundation Online Frequently-Asked-Questions section, or contact us.
Related content
- Training Links
- RSGB Training Resources
- Training in Essex
- Foundation Training Material
- Foundation Study Guide – Our paper and electronic training manual to help with study for Foundation
- How to become a radio amateur
hi how much donation do i need for fast track and how much for the exam and how long will the fast track exam take if i pass will i get my result immediately? also i have already completed my practical test and have my pass sheet etc for proof i have unfortunately failed my first exam but have studied hard since and are ready to re sit it please thanks x
Hi Christopher,
To get a licence, you need to pass the exam – the exam fee (payable to the RSGB) is £27.50 – it sounds like you’ve already done the practicals. As for how quickly you can sit the exam- that will be up to your local exam centre(s) – typically one of your local amateur radio clubs – you should contact nearby clubs to find dates and prices. Our course is an online revision course (not the exam itself). Fast track access to our course is available, where the entire course is available straight away (as opposed to being spread over a month) – how quickly you complete our course is up to you. We do ask for a small donation if you don’t want to wait for our next monthly course. The amount of the donation’s up to you – it’s more of a token to acknowledge the extra work in setting up people outside of our monthly schedule. Hope that helps, Pete
Hi Pete I have done everything you have sent me to do but I have not received any of the fast track material yet
Hi Chris,
You were sent an email asking which course you wanted at 23:51 on 8/3/23. We’ve not had your response. Can you let me know if you received this please?
Hi Pete it’s the fast track course I what to do if you could send me the files to do it please
Looks like you’re still struggling to get emails, as you’ve not replied. I’ve sent Fast Track details today (13 March 2023 at 19:55). Can you please let me know if you have got these?
Hi, I would like to do your free foundation course. I did start one, but had a stroke in the middle of it and couldn’t complete it. As I am a bit better now, I would like to no if I could do the course again, or another course you might have going.
Thank you
Goodness me Roger. I hope things are getting better and that you can get back in. Good luck.
I Booked the online course back in November 2020 but due to ill health i had to pull out mid way, but have signed up for on starting on the 18th April 2021
Hi, Is the Foundation course the same as the HAREC examination they do in Ireland?
No it’s not. The UK “Full” licence is HAREC, not the entry-level Foundation.