When you sit the Foundation Exam, you are allowed to have a copy of a four-page booklet with you to refer to. The booklet is called “Reference Data for use in the Foundation Level Examination”. We recommend that those training with us download and print a copy and get used to using it for the exam.
Download RSGB Foundation Exam Booklet (EX307)

The booklet contains the answers to some of the questions you’re likely to be asked in the exam, so it’s worth studying the booklet and knowing where things are listed. In the booklet, you’ll find the following:
Foundation Licence Parameters
A table of the frequencies that UK Foundation licence holders are allowed to use – Note the various exceptions for some bands. These are covered in Module 6 (Licence Conditions) of our Foundation Online course
Foundation Licence – Amateur Radio Band Plans
You’re provided with sample band plans for the 20m and 2m bands – Again, note the exceptions. These are covered in Module 6 (Licence Conditions) of our Foundation Online course
Frequency to Wavelength conversion chart
A table to allow you to convert between a frequency (MHz) to a wavelength (metres). These are covered in Module 2 (Technical Basics) of our Foundation Online course

Frequency Allocation Table
This short table lists users of the 87.5MHz to 160.975MHz part of the radio spectrum
How to use the booklet:
This short video explains how to use the 4-page booklet:
Don’t have a printer?
Perhaps you have a friend or family member with a printer who can help you out? Or perhaps you have a printer at work? Otherwise, there are several print shops out there who can help. As a last resort:
- If you have paid for an exam, have an upcoming exam and need a copy for your email, contact the RSGB exam team before the exam date, to see if they can post you one
- If you’re a member of a local amateur radio club, can they help you?
- If you’re really stuck, we can print one out for you and post it. We’d appreciate a donation to cover postage (See: Donate to Ham Train)
Struggling to read it?
Some have reported that the booklet is difficult to read when printed. There are some options:
All of the content on the handout is in the Foundation Licence Manual booklet
- You can also zoom in on a computer screen
- Many printers have a “fine” or “best print” option to improve resolution.
- Some printers offer better print quality than others
- For exams, RSGB can help with alternative material for partially-sighted people during exams, including larger-print exam paperwork
Oh do I get started on ham radio cource
If you’d like to enrol on one of our courses, go to https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/foundation-online#apply
hi .just a question…
on the foundation mock exam ..question 5 asks “What is the status of UK amateur radio allocation for the frequency of 3.6MHz?
primary.primary shared .secondary or secondary shared .
the bandplan shows …primary ..( shared with other services )
but apparent correct answer is PRIMARY only ? can you explain please . ?..sorry but confused.
I don’t know, but expect the correct answer is as shown in the reference data for the use in the FLE. Best check you have the correct version for the actual exam.
hey, excuse me. where did you find this mock test?
The mock test is at the end of our free online course.
At some point I would like to donate.
Can I send you a cheque and who to pay it too.
I am unhappy doing payments online. ( fear of scammers)
I will be donating like the comment above in the way of a cheque
i find it all very interesting and looking forward to the rest thankyou
Hi all. The exam booklet EX307 format doesn’t work on my tablet. Any suggestions is most welcome.
Several options:
1. Use a paper copy (you’ll need a paper copy for the exam)
2. Try using a different browser
3. Try a different device
4. Try different PDF software
5. For study (not exam) the material in the handout is also in the Foundation Manual
Hello. I’m an Ex BBC audio engineer. I now design audio studio & musical equipment, Do I have to do the foundation exam or could go straight to the intermediate? sounds a bit big headed sorry, but I have over 40 years experience in electronic repair & design. (a little RF and video too) What would you recommend? So with a bit of brushing up I think I maybe Ok on that side of things, but I know very little about the law/etiquette of amateur radio,
I know a little about public broadcast laws and a smidge about antenna theory.
Hi Huw,
A new exam has just launched aimed at those who have existing RF and electronics knowledge. This is called “Direct to Full” and you can book online now at http://sxham.uk/bookexam – Otherwise, you’d need to take Foundation and progress from there.
Thank you Pete. I don’t think I’m ready to go all in just now. I’ll do foundation course and see how I thing feel!
See how I feel or see how I feel about things! Sorry getting Old!
The links to the 4 page booklet do not appear to be working.
Working fine here Simon. It’s also on the RSGB website (Exam Forms page) or in the “Course Resources and Information” section in our Canvas classroom.