As part of our quest to make it easier for new people to get into the hobby, Essex Ham offers a free Foundation Online Amateur Radio Training Course. Please take a look at the following short video to find out more about our course:
Our Internet-based amateur radio training courses launched in 2015 and is designed to help newcomers to get started in the hobby. We’ve now had over 11,000 people enrol, and our pass rate is running close to 99%.
Online Amateur Radio Training?
- Do you want to study at home? Our free distance-learning course could be for you
- Lead a busy life? Study at a time that suits you, without the need to travel
- Want to know what the exam is like? Have a dry run using our mock tests before taking the plunge
- Already on a club’s course? Great – our online course can help with your revision
- Need extra help? Struggling with a particular topic? Perhaps our videos or handouts can help?
- Struggle to learn from a book? Our course is interactive, with videos, guides and online tutor support.
- Can’t find a local club to help? No problem – study with us online from your computer, tablet, laptop or phone
- The course is also useful for you if you can’t make regular courses, want to study at your own pace, or have a limited budget.
- Best of all, our course is free, so you have nothing to lose!
The Foundation Online Course
Our online course is split into nine modules, each one with a full walkthrough of what you need to know for the syllabus, plus a short quiz at the end to help you make sure it’s all going in.
The online Foundation course is supplemented by downloadable material, comprehensive videos and training slides, and much of the content is based on our popular (and free) Foundation Training Slides, as used by several clubs across the UK.
Upcoming courses:
Courses run for 3 weeks. If you need to start sooner, we have an “on-demand” option.
How does the course work?
- Our course typically runs for three weeks (although a “fast track” option is available if you’re in a rush).
- The course is split into nine modules, and we release a new module every two or three days.
- The course lets you study when it’s suitable for you – no live lessons, and no need for a webcam.
- Each module contains a section-by-section breakdown of what you need to know for that module, and ends with a short quiz
- Each module also has a full video, so you can watch as we discuss the material and demonstrate how things work
- You can take the modules whenever you want over the 3 weeks, although we recommend 1-2 hours of study per week – at a time to suit you
- You’ll be working in an online classroom with other students, and have the option to ask questions of the tutor and chat with other students
- At the end of the course, there’s a mock test, to see if you’d be ready to sit the actual exam
![]() The Foundation Study Guide is available now on Amazon in both Paperback and Kindle formats, as well as on the Apple Bookstore |
Want to join our course?
Apply for Foundation Online |
What happens next? After submitting, you will receive an automated email within 30 minutes – check the email and confirm your place. If you don’t see it, please check your spam folder, or contact us. |
Our course uses an industry-standard Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver our amateur radio courses. Foundation Online has been designed by an RSGB Registered Trainer who has been involved with training for multiple amateur radio groups for over 10 years.
Got a question?
If you’ve got a question, check our Foundation Online Frequently-Asked-Questions section, or contact us.
Hi, I’m Steph G4XKH and I’m a trainer/assessor at the Riviera club in Torquay. We love the idea you’ve come up with as we were thinking along similar lines ourseves as a way to bring training in to the 21st century. Could I get a look at your test area to see how you’ve done your material.
I’m hoping it would give our training team some ideas.
Best 73,
Steph Foster G4XKH
Hi Steph. You’re very welcome to take a look. I’ve mailed you the appropriate access details. Love to know what you think. Pete
I’ve literally just found your site, I live in the lake district 10 years now, but was born and raised in London. I lived in Writtle for a 2 years with my essex girlfriend before we moved here and got married. While I lived in Writtle I was fortunate enough to have a stint at E2V and very much appreciate the free service you’re providing to newcomers to ham/etc such as myself.
I am local to you and would like to sit the Foundation as soon as possible. When do you next offer exam sittings, and do you require attendance on your course?
Hi Phil. We offer a free online revision course each month. You’re very welcome to join the next course – you can register at – for non-Internet exams and practicals in Essex, see
Hi is there a minimum age? My 7 year old son is keen in doing this course. I’m an M0 so would be able to support his learning.
No age limit, although there may be some words in the exam that a seven-year-old may not have been taught at school yet.
Hi Patricia,
Yes – we’ve got your application and would be very happy to have you on one of our courses. When you’ve decided which month’s course suits you best, just let us know,
Essex Ham is a virtual, Internet-based club – members are welcome from anywhere in the UK. We offer an Internet course for people looking to get their first amateur radio licence. If you’re interested, you can sign up using the form here:
Hi Pete I’m looking forward to carry out the ham international course
Hi Pete
Both myself and my daughter (13) would love to do the foundation course. Would i have to complete 1 form for each of us? Both would be under my email, is that possible?
We’re looking at the course starting tomorrow, 4th August 24.
Hi there, I’m Mike M0AZE one of the trainers for Sutton Coldfield Amataeur Radio. Our pace of people wishing to enrol for the Foundation exam with the nice issue of following on for the Intermediate. I must confess to using your slides and apologise for not letting you know, I hope this corrects that issue now. I did notice in today’s Radcom you have introduced a distance learning package and I’d be interested to see if that is an alternative we could utilise to those who cannot attend our club?
Congratulations on being proactive and promoting this great hobby
Hi Mike and thanks for getting in touch. Now worries re. the slides – great to hear that you’re finding them useful.
Happy to let you have a look at our demo area and see if the course could be handy for you and/or your students. Drop me a mail via and we’ll set you up with access.
Hello I am christopher from Birmingham hoping to learn and pass my test
Great. You’re very welcome to sign up to our free course. We’ll help if we can! Pete
I Think this is a great idea as all my local clubs are having problems with the foundation training courses at the moment and it will really help my training kjust hope i can get some local help with the practical side now many thanks Graham.
Thanks Graham – You now have the details and dates, so just let us know which course you want to start on, and we’ll get the ball rolling!
Am so nervous has i have Learning difficulties expessiley with a lap top kind regards
hi stephen am having nervous about taking it on a lap top did you manage to get your licence am 73 years old
I would be interested in seeing the material if possible as I am looking at ways to align training with the Sea Cadets to enable cadets to take the Foundation Exam if they wish to do so. Our radio training is very close to the RCF syllabus already.
Many thanks, wish this was around when I was doing my foundation licence!
Hi Stewart. Great – happy to let you have a look at our demo area and see if the course could be handy for you and/or your students, and as you say, the courses are broadly similar. Drop me a mail via and we’ll set you up with access.
I’m new(ish) to the hobby and had given up on the idea of ever getting my foundation. I couldn’t do the course at my local club as I work away and they only run the course over a series of consecutive week nights and being away I cant attend. I was looking for somewhere that ran the course over a few days but this seems to be an ideal solution. Now just need to get through it and find somewhere to take the exam – Thanks a lot for this.
Hi Pete,
I’ve just finished the final module and the end-of-course mock with success. Thank you for letting me take this excellent Foundation Online Course 3.
I intend to continue studying the materials of this course and some books that I orded a few days ago, such as Foundation Licence – Now!, Intermediate Licence, Advanced – The Full Licence, and Amateur Radio Exam Secrets, all published by the RSGB that I’ll be receiving them soon.
Remember that I’m very interested in taking the Intermediate Course. Let me know, please.
Antonio Ubirajara
Hi im been on cc b radio for long time now like to get radioham now im disabled here in ddevon uk thankyou
Hi Barry,
Our course allows you to study the material online in your own home at a time to suit you. You will need to sit some practical exercises and take the exam, normally with the help of a local club.
If you want to join our online course, please fill in the details in our signup forum.
Otherwise, see for details of clubs and training courses in your area.
If you have any questions, please ask! Pete
hi my name is Helen and at the moment I am studying to take the exam but I am disabled with cerapalsy which mean’s my memory isn’t that good and I can easy forget certain stuff that I have learned. is there a way I can remember what I have learned ready for the exam which I’m hoping to take very shortly.
Hi Helen,
From our experience, everyone learns (and remembers) in different ways. There are a number ways that you can study for your Foundation, including:
1. Reading from the Foundation book
2. Attending a training session at a local club
3. Watching online videos (part of our course)
4. Studying the key points (as seen on our training slides)
5. Taking mock tests (part of our course, and also at
6. Working with a mentor one-to-one
I’m not sure which ones would work best for you – I learnt using a combination of three of the above. It may be a case of trying a few different ways and seeing what works best for you.
If you’re struggling with any particular aspect, let us know and we may be able to help with a way of remembering it (like the ohms law triangle, or some catchy ways of remembering the callsigns)
hi pete Helen here thankyou for your reply I do most of the way’s you have said which are
1 reading my foundation book
2 take mock test’s all the time
3 work with a mentor one on one
the only problem I have because of my condition not understanding the question they ask on a exam properly mainly ones that’s got to do with numbers or graphs.
Hi all
Would just like to say a big thanks to Pete M0PSX for running the online foundation course over the last couple of months. I passed my foundation exam on Oct 1st just after the course finished and I must say this course really did help, plus you had on-line materials to help you do a bit of re-visioning.
Will let you know my call sign when I have it..
Many thanks Kevin – Well done on the pass. Guessing you now have your call and have started enjoying the hobby!
My daughter Colette registered to take your course we have not heard anything yet?
Notes here show that we replied in September. We require parental approval for learners under 16. Resent the details to both you and Collette for review.
Hi, for my sins I am President of the Cornish Radio Amateur Club. We have recently held another Foundation trtaining course with an 80% success rate with just one failing to make the grade by one point!
Out chief trained is now in his 70’s and, to have a premises suitable for training costs us £50 a session at the weekend so not feasible to offer a refresher for one candidate prior to the re take.
I suggester to her that she should register with you but there sdeems to be some reluctance to do so, goodness knows why the more poractice the better.
anywy, would it be possible to have a look at the course (don’t want to register personally as I have been g4usb for 30 years plus)to allay fears? Our chief trainer has been working on a course for training via disc but I think you idea would be more 21st Century.
Many thanks – Norman G4USB President of Cornish Radio Amateur Club
Hi Norman. You’re very welcome to have a look round our test course to get a feeling for if it could work for you and your student(s). Email just about to be sent. Would love your feedback. Pete
Is there any recommendation for classrooms with lab based training course on HAM radio certification for mid and advanced levels. I will be delighted if you can send me full details.
Hi recently completed Essex Ham Course.
Would like to make a donation to Essex Ham in appreciation.
How do I do this please?
your system looks really useful (good) we are getting more people with disabilities turning up at our club (worksop ammature radio society) particularly with poor vision and some with dyslexia. I would appreciate a look at your training aids which might be useful with the teaching of this type of student particularly any videos which could be downloaded. I hope this is not too cheeky, regards Gary Brotherhood
I hold the call sign M3NDZ and looking to do an on line course for the intermediate licence, do you know of a club or college who might do an on line course or a tutor who is willing to help?
I live in Stratford upon Avon and not a member of a radio club.
I am very keen to get this course passed asap as my father was a G8 before he passed away my brother Mark now has dad’s call sign G8KHR and it would mean the world to my family.
Hi Samuel,
You filled in the form at 9:30pm and were sent an automatic email in reply with course details. Please have a read and let me know if you want to proceed. Pete
Hi Pete
We met at MARTS field week in August. Are you planning to do Intermediate online at any time?
Hi Tracey,
We will look to introducing this once the new Intermediate syllabus has been released
Hi Pete,
Just completed your excellent Foundation modules and also looking to the Intermediate. Do you have an expectation as to when the syllabus will be released? I assume you will only know how long it will take to produce the training, once the syllabus is released, given the rumored widespread changes?
Keep up the outstanding work,
Hi John. See the following link for the latest on the syllabus review:
Hi Pete,
Just to say I finally found a club to complete my practical sessions with so I am all set to sit the exam (all booked) in December – right on the 6 month limit you set!
I really appreciated your course which made the theory so much easier to grasp.
Many Thanks
Hi just started learning , so much easier listening to you Pete explaining the ins and outs
Essexham www site found: check
Hamtrain www site found: check
Online form for December Foundation Online Course filled in: check
Pete’s email replied to: check
To say I am excited is an understatement… 🙂
thank you , this site will be great for me i just know it , i a slow learner , and have failed my foundation lic only got 18 right out of 26 , i so wanting to get my ham lic , at the moment , feeling verry much a failure please can you help me . regards brendan bonar
Hi Brendan,
No problem – we’ll help if we can. It sounds like you were just one mark away, and I’m sure our course will help fill in any gaps for you. If there’s anything we can help with, just let us know.
Can you please record the classes from here and make it available online? So we can watch it online without registering for the course here?
I am a visitor in the UK and want to get the course completed asap and give the foundation exam in Jan.
Hi Ahmad,
Our next course starts in early January and includes videos for each module. If you’re not able to join the course, you are welcome to review our free slides here:
Hi I suffer from dyslexia and I don’t always find it easy to work in an environment where there are other people so I am interested in doing my foundation course with Foundation Online. I do have some knowlage of electronics as back in the 1980’s I worked as a television engineer for a number of years I have never been great on the theory side of things though as I do have learning problems so I think your idea is a really good one. Regards, Ian.
Thanks for the message Ian. Our courses are free and run at the start of each month. If you’d like to sign up,please go to the following address:
Hi. What a great idea, I wish they would do the intermediate one the same,as I suffer from RA
Best Regards
Do you have an intermediate course?
Not at the moment. Pete
Hi Pete,
Excuse me for sending this, I am a fully licensed operator (GM0 EWW), and would like to find out what the Foundation course involves so that I can point someone who I know is interested in the right direction. Is it possible to get acquainted with the foundation course online. Also some mock examination papers. Thank you for your time. 73s
Hi John,
Sure – plenty of resources I can point you to:
For a high-level overview of what’s involved at Foundation, see following 6 minute video:
If you want to review the full syllabus in depth, it’s here:
We have a full set of Powerpoint slides covering the syllabus here:
For mock papers, go here:
There’s a short video showing how our online course can help with study here:
Does that help?
Hi Pete,
Many thanks for you getting back to me so quickly with such a choice of information – now I can advise my friend about the foundation course. He is really keen to get going and hope soon he will have his full licence.
Thanks again and I think the HAM TRAIN that you have set up is definitely on the track for a wonderful success story. Best 73s. GM0 EWW .
Hi Pete,
Just wanted to say a big thank you for the course which I took in December 2017. Last week I took my Foundation exam with the Sale Radio Club in Cheshire where I was told I had passed and am just waiting for confirmation.
The training material was first class along with the ability to measure your performance at each stage along the way with a quiz at the end of each module. I shall be recommending this course to any new members who join our club. Many thanks 73 Chris.
hi i am looking to do my foundaion licence from home, i have tryed to get my dmr id but it says i need a citifcat first any advise would be great also prices as well please
Hi Matthew,
We offer a free online training course which runs once a month. You will also need to do some practical exercises and take a multiple choice test – normally at a local amateur radio club. Yes, you do need an amateur radio licence to be able to transmit on DMR. Pete
Would love to have a peek at your material even though the regulations may differ between our countries. We conduct courses in spring and fall and I like the idea of providing year-round training. John VE7SAR
You’d be very welcome – it’s here:
hi pete I wound like to join the course plese thank you
No problem. Please complete the registration form (if you haven’t already). You’ll be sent an email with course details, and when you’re ready, drop us an email to confirm which course you’d like to join.
Really useful course with professional content. Well done to Pete and the team.
Hi everyone on Ham Train, I am GM0 EWW and have been on radio now for nearly 30 years. I am with the Lomond Radio Club, and have spoken to one of the assessors who has said that with my full licence and experience that I could also become an assessor with the club. Is this correct and how do I go about doing so. Would I have to do a training course etc. Thank you for your feedback. 73s John.
I am Jeevendra from Sri Lanka and in the process forming a club for Amateur Radio and would like to propagating HAM radio for my membership. Is there a possibility where I could have a look at your system and see how we could implement it here in my club so that my members too would be able to learn it online. Look forward to hear from you.
Sure. Drop us an email via the Contact Us page, and we’ll let you have access to our tuto’s demo area! Pete
Hi – Leigh M5GWH here in Staffordshire – looking at starting a course for both my students at school in our STEM club and also for the public on a Saturday morning. Currently going through the registration with the RSGB, etc and gathering all course materials together as I would have to firstly make it ‘child friendly’ then ‘adult friendly’ too. Would appreciate any help from yourselves as your video material looks great. 73!
Hi Leigh. Great. If there’s anything specific we can help with, or you’d like to have a look and see how things work in our online classroom, drop us an email via our Contact Us page, and we’ll help if we can. Good luck, Pete
Pete – thanks for the response – Paul Devlin from our Region 5 team has cc’ed you into some emails he and I have swapped – now working on things but I will no doubt be in touch soon too. Would definitely be interested in your online classroom etc too. Cheers! Leigh.
Hi Pete
Enquiring on behalf of my wife who is currently doing the foundation online course,
Do you know where and when there are any practical and exam sessions running that will work in with the current course so that she can get the exam in before the change in September?
Hi David,
In Essex, there are opportunities in Danbury and on Canvey Island – See
Hope that helps,
I am a registered assessor in Bedfordshire (foundation & intermediate) and would be happy to do practical assessments for anyone who needs them.
Please contact me if I can be of assistance.
73 DE Antonio M0SPV
Hi, Les – M0LPB
I am a Trainer/ Assessor with my radio club and after our head instructor, David Brooks going silent key at the start of the year, we are now building a training team to take us forward.
I am asking if it would be possible for me to use your new training presentations to teach in our club, please.
I also teach the ATC and the Sea Cadets in Radio Comms and would also find your presentation regards the Foundation Lic. very helpful to train the young cadet regards our hobby.
If possible could you allow me access to your new training presentations when possible?
I train free of charge to the Cadet forces and just a very small donation to the club when required.
Hi Les,
No problem – happy to help if we can – Please go to where some slide sets are already available, and more will be added soon.
The amazon book by Alan Bettes you linked to is only available on Kindle (not paperback) and not available on amazon, yet. Can you recommend an alternative?
Regards, Sophie
Hi Sophie. Yes – all books are available from the RSGB Shop:
Hi can this course cover Ireland and what do I need to do the course what paper work do I need and what ID do I need
No, this is for UK-only. Ireland has a different syllabus
A huge thank you to the Essex Ham online course 50 which are participated in last year!
Finally found a practical course with SADARS in Stevenage and sat my exam in August.
Passed with an almost perfect mark and then became M7DVB.
In my opinion the course was perfect for my training and we’ll delivered.
Well done on the pass John, and thanks for the kind words!
Hi interested in studying for the online course am I right that currently there is a uk online exam without any practical please may I ask.
I have just completed the Foundation exams under the new syllabus through home study. The intermediate looks a bit more complex and I am really struggling to find an online course – doesn’t have to be free, happy to pay. Highlands of Scotland – so EVERYTHING is remote !!!
Hi Stuart. There’s definitely a need for an online Intermediate course – sorry, but we’re not able to offer one at this time.
Just signed up…looking forward to getting started and fingers crossed getting my license soon.
Cool. Looking forward to having you on board!
For those online and wanting an examination centre and practical assessment in the North Midlands (Staffordshire, Shropshire, etc) and South Cheshire – I’m an assessor for both Foundation and Intermediate and can also offer Foundation, Intermediate and Full examinations by arrangement. Contact for details – happy to have my details passed on.
Many thanks Pete for all efforts in promoting this great hobby. Anyone from London area to help with practicals and run the exam?
I read that you can also take the exams online (I’m not good around people) but I can’t find anywhere online that tells me where online I can go to take these exams, can you help?
Yes, you can take a paper exam or an online exam, but the exams have to be taken at an approved exam centre, typically organised by a local amateur radio club.
Online courses but still having to go to a test centre I fear is the bottleneck that holds back the hobby. You would think that in this day and age there would be away around it.
The RSGB is looking at the idea of remote invigilation using webcams, but it’s still in the early stages. The licence is issued by Ofcom and they have to be assured that the exam is taken by the correct person and conducted properly. The practical assessments are quite basic and can potentially be done anywhere. The exam does have to be taken at a test centre, but it only takes an hour.
Unfortunately without this it makes it very difficult for people with anxiety to get in to the hobby 🙁
I’m determined though so I’ll probably spend a few moths learning all there is to learn, then take the course and then try and get the guts to make the appointment… which is interestingly enough what I said to myself when I had to go to a new dentist 2 years ago… which reminds me I still haven’t been lol
I do understand, but currently to get a licence, you have to satisfy Ofcom that you are competent and you have to attend an exam session in person. Things can be done though – such as one-to-one practicals, and small exam sessions – your local club may be able to help.
I have signed up with a club to take what I still call the A.R.E, which I did sit back in 1976 but failed, got the speed of light incorrect and a few others the main ting was it was all written back then.
My point is I have Dyslexia not bad and in the main I am able to over come this problem (spellchecker) but Morse code is a big no -no for me, It has been explained to me I can opt for a data test, not sure that will work for me due to under pressure it becomes a problem,
Hi David,
The Morse code is a very short appreciation. You do not need to learn it, and it can be done very slowly, letter-by-letter. For example, you may be asked to send the letter A – you look up “A” on the list and find it is a dot and a dash. You write that down, then press the Morse key to send a dot and a dash. If you’re concerned, ask your club tutor to demonstrate the process to help you decide, but it’s a very basic appreciation of how Morse works, and not much else.
I’d love to try this it seems perfect for me
Great – complete the application form and we can get you started
Hi there could me and a friend do the course we are both in Scotland
Of course. If you both complete the application form, we can get you started –
hi Pete
i have just watched mod 3
i dont remember seeing mode 2
thanks take care
You should definitely watch Module 2 – just like the other module videos, go the appropriate module tab in the classroom, and the video is linked to on the first page of the module.
I applied for foundation online filled form in for reply saying to confirm which date wanted applied for 3rd May but have not had reply would like to no if got on course of not
Mails are sent automatically – best to check your spam folder.
Thankyou Ham Train Pete for email confirming enrolled on 3rd may course looking forward to it
Hope you enjoy it!
Hi, is it possible to sign up for this if you’re not in the UK? I’m in lockdown in Ireland, and away from my local radio club, who had been helping me with study, but I hadn’t got very far with them. I’ve been told that the UK syllabus is similar to the IRTS syllabus, but of course there is only one level of licence here, rather than 3 stages, like in the UK. There is no online course here, unfortunately. It would be very useful if I could tackle the foundation level with an online course like yourselves, and then study by myself after that for the rest of the Irish syllabus.
Hi – given our course is entry-level, and the Ireland exam is for the entire syllabus, I doubt ours will be much help, but if you want to take it, you’re welcome. We do have a policy of providing the course free to those planning to take their exam in the UK. For those from other countries, or just curious, we ask for a donation, which of course helps us to provide the course free for UK candidates. If you’d like to take the course, please fill in the registration form and consider making a small donation? Pete
Love this idea of learning from home, would love to get the foundation licence, the problem i have had in the past is i no longer live in the uk, moved away 6 years ago and wanted the licence but was unable to find anywhere in Bulgaria that used english.
there you go all filled out nicely i tried not yo give you my full life story he he gonna be sooooooo happy and proud when i get my call sign :)))))
Stephen McGaughey of Hull , East Yokshire .
Hi, I would like to thank you all at Ham Train for your time and effort. I actually failed the mock exam at the end, but passed my real exam today thanks to you guys. My failings helped me learn where i was lacking and sharpen up. Thanks again for providing this great service. I would recomend it to anyone looking to get started in our fantastic hobby.
My mate wants to do it,
but he’s a bit thick like a typical CBer he is.
so he’s going to set it all up and do the study but when he does the actual test i’ll do it for him.
how will you be able to check there isn’t anyone sat next to the candidate giving them the answers ?
and you wonder why Amateur Radio is as bad as it is.
Good luck with that. Photo ID is required, and session is monitored by open mic and webcam
or we can have all the cheats pasted on the wall behind the laptop screen where invigilator can’t see but we will be ‘naturally’ looking…
Nope – The invigilator takes a look around the room before the exam starts
Hey !!! He”s as fick as stih , well so am i
but in still going to try on my jack jones .
i done my HGV test on my own
got 97% on theory
Hazard perseption 95%
So im guessing your mates going to play music if hes not the biggest spark on line ….
I have sent for the foundation book to see how it may help I am not very bright at maths etc and having had two heart attaches i tend to forget things should I do the foundation course also i need to be at home as I am a full time career for the wife would you say say do it or forget it i do not want to join a local group just be me at home
Just wanted to say thanks for the course material, I just took the exam this morning and passed (a couple of things i need to go back and look at, but its a pass 🙂
The material was great and the options of slides and / or video was a great way to make sure information was learnt. The tests were also really useful.
It’s a pity that, as of now, there is no practical component, I feel that a couple of the points would have been that bit more solidified but thats the situation we are in.
Thanks Again
what a fantastic idea, i passed my morse code test in the 80,s at wavertree liverpool and was an avid ham radio listerner with radios like the ft101zd the yaesu ft one etc, totally addicted, then along came marriage and a family and everything went out the window, 12 months ago i decided to buy an ic r 7000 and have a listen about and my god i heard a couple of very old friends gabbing away who,s voices havnt changed in over 30yrs , so i have decided to enrol to sit my exam buy a 2mtr radio and give some of them a big surprise, cant wait,doing the exam online is a fantastic idea as i work of a day but sit in every evening so now have plenty of time on my hands, can i just say thankyou for letting me join,many thanks Bob Wirral
I’m booked on to the August 2nd Foundation course (hopefully!), please can you tell me, my main interest is Morse, does the foundation cover both voice & morse?
Also, if the foundation is passed, are you able to then transmit as a novice immediately?
Many thanks.
Ty just done my foundation course on here took the exam on 8/8/20 and passed it. Done my call sign today 15/8/20 which is M7MXM. So good luck to everyone else doing this 100% great course. Hope essexham will do an intermediate course as I will sign up for one.
Did pay a donation some time back
You did, back in May – thanks for that! We rely on donations to keep our course running. Back in May, we sent you details of our course. If there’s any more information you need, please let us know, otherwise just let us know which course you’d like to start.
Just wanted to say thanks to all for your help and support for my wife Debbie who is now M7DBE.
Glad to help Jon!
good afternoon i have managed to sucessfully loose my login link and details from when I did this course and I’m finally thanks to covid work starting to become settled to resist but I was hoping to go through the course again . Is there a link I can request to get my details and the course link I was on before please?
You orginally joined our April course. This three-week course obviously closed some time ago. You’re welcome to apply to take the course again if you wish.
passed my foundation today after completing your course
thanks the course was great and really helpful,
onwards and upwards to intermediate now 🙂
I’ve applied one week ago for your foundation course starting the 1st of November, I’ve just received the automatic email but no further information so not sure if I can participate.
Thanks and 73’s
You were sent emails on 24 and 28 October – please check your spam folder. Note that Foundation is a U.K. licence that can only be used in the U.K.
Just passed my Full exam today. It all started with the excellent Essex Ham Foundation course in February 2020. Thank you again Alex 2E1ALX
Hello i am Daniel 26CT196 interested in becoming a ham!
Hi Esex Ham
Just a quick note to say thank you for Foundation Online – passed yesterday on first attempt!
I took my foundation course in febuary an failed by 1 question , an would like to do the online course . but find the information on how to go about it a bit vague . are you still doing courses , if so i would be interested in setting one up . any information would be greatly appreciated
Yes, we are still running our course. There’s a video explaining how the course works on the front page of the website, and we answer questions here:
If you have any further questions, let us know, Pete
I applied for the foundation exam starting on 21st February but I haven’t heard anything back yet. It’s now the 18th February. Should I assume my application was not successful?
Hi David,
If you’re referring to the exam, note that it’s the RSGB that arranges the exams, not us. If you’re referring to our course, then you would have received an automatic response within minutes of applying, and within minutes of selecting a start date. If you’ve not received those emails, best to check your spam folder for the date that you completed registration. If you need a re-resend of the emails, please drop us an email using “Contact us”
HI is there an intermediate course available, or do you know of any other place where it is available?
See for a list of online Intermediate courses.
Hi I’m very interested in gaining a ham radio licence but have zero experience how would i gain such experience as to be able to take a test thanks in advance
Hi Chris. We offer a free training course that teaches you all you need to know. You’d be very welcome to sign up.
Thank Ham Train Pete I would be very happy to sign up and see if i have what it takes to be an Ham radio operator
Just signed up for foundation course
Foundation manual is in in the post ,
Hope to be on air as soon as possible
Thanks all .
Hi… Patrick from Sheffield .. 72 yrs old and just signed up for the on line course for Foundation level licence …. It’s been a long time coming, but it’s time now. (Hope I get accepted)
Hi there.
Have taken your Foundation Course (88) and my licence test this morning and glad to say I have passed with a score of 22/26. May thanks for the help and excellent materials you have provided.
Doesn’t seem to much activity here lately?
Potential newbie here, just got my RSGB Foundation Manual, and looking to get a fast track course to my exam and joining you on Essex Ham.
Hoping to talk to you all soon on the Net.
I am a Brit but living in France. Is it possible to take your Foundation online course please? I could supply a Sister or Brothers UK address or my French address. My lack of French language skills mean taking the French license is not an option for me!
Please see our FAQ entry on this:
I am a close protection officer and avid airsoft player and want to use baofeng walkie talkies to Transmit and receive do I require a license for these ?
Short answer – yes. See
You say your course is run over 3 weeks, if I download the course material as it’s released can I take longer to complete it ?
Yes Mark, you can access the content after the 3 weeks are up – there’s no problem there.
Passed my test on Sunday with 22/26 and finally set up with my callsign.
Great informative course and appreciate the help and info.
As a word of caution, do not buy from baofengradio . Co .uk
I ordered 4 days ago and despite them saying it’s shipped tracking shows they’ve only provided a number to Royal Mail / sent notification nothing else.
Trying to speak to them is a joke, their online chat feature (we answer in a few minutes) takes days & still no answer to my question if where is the order / has it been shipped. Lord knows where these ship from but not in the UK as it implies.
Dreadful company to deal with sadly.
When you do the on-line test do you check for third party monitoring software like team viewer ??
asking for a friend who wants to pass but is too thick..
There are several checks in place to stop cheating, including some built-in to the exam software used by RSGB. The Foundation course is pretty straightforward – get your friend to try our free course which has a 98% pass rate.
Online training and examinations at last 🙂
I found this website while searching the difference between the types of licence. I was wondering what you learn in the foundation course, hence browsing 😁
I’m just coming back into the hobby, though been working in radio communications professionally.
Looks a great resource, to get into amateur radio.
Best of luck with the course.
73, Craig, G7KJG
I’m looking. Forward to the course Pete thanks
Passed my Foundation thanks to Essex Ham
I passed my Foundation exam this morning. Thanks to Essex Ham for the excellent training course and website.
Hi, I live in Tenerife (Canary Islands) so my call sign would be a prefix EA? If I sit your online course can I still use it in Tenerife or do I need to do a Spanish test? Thanks in advance
Hi Pete I’ve just sent a email to join the course I’m absolutely useless at this internet thing just hope I don’t mess it up trying to get started with logging in and what have ya i would rather sit in person in a exam room than mess it up with trying to sort doing it on line I haven’t got a clue how to use computer lol
Hi David. If you want to do the training and exam in person, you can do exactly that. Have a look at the following link for details of nearby clubs that can help:
Hi Pete I’ve got your email back I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help absolute gentleman you are and understanding my situation at this time I will be enrolling in the next couple of months kind regards Dave ps I will be donating to the exam course within the next couple of days and again when I enroll in the course again once again thank you for your assistance and good luck to everyone else on the courses kind regards Dave
Hi, my name is Jan Ivar, i live in Norway, can i apply for this cource, even if i live in Norway?
Our course is to help study for the UK Foundation exam. This licence can only be used to transmit whilst in the UK, and is therefore of little use to people outside the UK. Even though the licence is of no use to people outside the UK, we do allow people to join, but we ask for a donation to help fund the free course for those in the UK.
I Am Dyslexic
Occasionally Need To Use Tools
With Time Management For DYSLEXIA IRELENE S
Hi there I am a civilian instructor for a local Sea Cadets group and I was interested in getting my group of Cadets qualified for Amateur Ham Radio. Is there someone I can speak to get more information?
Many thanks
Hi Alan,
Sure – I’d be happy to point you in the right direction.
If you’re looking for general information on the hobby, or about exams, contact the RSGB on 01234 832 700
Alternatively, if you’re looking for help from a local club that might be able to offer training and exams, you can find details of nearby clubs here:
For specific information on training Air Cadets, try
Hope that helps,
Thank you very much!
Am I able to license them as a Sea Cadet group or would they need to study/be examined as individuals?
There appears to be a Cadet Foundation Licence referenced here: – If that’s what you’re referring to, that link contains some useful information on going down that route.
I can only advise on the standard UK amateur radio licence – for this, candidates can study alone or as part of a group, and candidates are examined as individuals.
Thanks Pete
Your Course was greatly Appreciated.
Passed Today at 12.00pm
Thanks Alot
Thanks Pete.
I completed the fast track and the mocks, and passed my exam today at 11.00
Excellent course, materials, organisation and support.
Would just like to thank Essex Ham for providing the Online Foundation Course along with the Revision Guide.
I passed my exam today and am looking forward to getting on air.
I am interested in the online course, but some of the information on here confuses me a bit:
As far as I understand, after signing up, I get access to the course material, where every section finished with a multiple-choice test.
And how I get it, I can work through that on my own pace, as there is no live-interaction (and as I understand, no human interaction at all) involved.
But then I don’t understand the concept of course start dates and the fast track idea. Do I not get access to all material instantly, unless I book “fast track”?
Can you maybe elaborate the reasoning for that?
I have the strong feeling that I am missing something here 🙂
Thanks a lot
Why website called but title says
It’s called branding. A bit like asking why there are pages branded “iPhone” on the Apple website. The online club is called Essex Ham. Essex Ham’s training material is released under the brand name of “HamTrain” – make it clear what is training and what is club-related.