Essex Ham’s Young Ladies Net was launched in November 2015. The Net is hosted by Dorothy M0LMR, who’s a regular participant in the Monday Night Net.
The YL Net is an opportunity for Young Ladies from Essex, Kent, Suffolk, London and beyond to meet up on-air, chat about anything, and help to encourage more 2m activity on amateur radio.
The Essex Ham Net normally takes place on the first Saturday of the month, starting at 8pm. The net takes place on the GB3DA Danbury 2m repeater.

How the Net Works…
The Net is moderated by a ‘Controller’, normally Dorothy M0LMR. The Net operates in a rotation. The Chair keeps a list of who’s on frequency, and tries to give everyone a turn in rotation.
If you want to join, wait for the net controller to ask for new members to join. Normally a call goes out for new participants when the bottom of the rotation is reached. If you want to be added to the list and don’t want to wait until the call for new people goes out, then get the controller’s attention by breaking in with your callsign when there’s a pause in the conversation – you’ll be acknowledged and invited in by the controller. Note that the GB3DA Danbury repeater has a timeout of 2 minutes – please try to keep your turn within the timeout.
Live ChatWhen the YL Net is live, we operate a chatroom – handy for those who can’t join in, those who want to chat whilst waiting for their turn, and also for the non-YLs to take part. Go to Streaming AudioWhere possible, we run a free live stream for those not able to listen on the radio. If you find the stream useful, a small donation would be appreciated.
Data Protection Notice: Messages transmitted over amateur radio as part of an Essex Ham Net are streamed online and recorded. Names and callsigns of net participants are logged and a summary of attendees made public via this website. We believe this to be for reasons of ‘Legitimate Interest’ under GDPR regulations. Messages posted in the Net chatroom may be relayed over-air as part Essex Ham’s Net, if the Net Controller deems it to be relevant to on-air discussion. See our Terms & Privacy Policy for more. |

Previous Nets
When possible, we publish a summary of the night’s activities. You can find a list of YL Net Reports here: Essex Ham Young Ladies Net
Thanks, and Disclaimer
Essex Ham would like to thank the Essex Repeater Group for allowing us to use the GB3DA for our Monday Night and Essex YL Nets. This repeater, together with GB3ER, GB3DB and GB7ZP are managed by volunteers. ERG would appreciate your support which can be by membership or donation, online at
Please note that our nets are recorded for the protection of our participants, and audio recordings are available on request from our members. Audio from repeaters around the UK, including GB3DA, may be streamed online and available via web SDRs, so comments on GB3DA may be heard outside of the repeater’s coverage area.
The views and opinions expressed by participants of our nets do not necessarily reflect the views of Essex Ham and/or the Net Controller.
Related links
- Essex Ham YL Net Reports
- Essex Ham Monday Night Net
- Setting up GB3DA
- Streaming Internet Repeater Feeds
- Using a repeater – Our guide on getting started with repeaters
- Amateur Radio Nets in Essex