The August 2015 of Britain’s best selling amateur radio magazine, Practical Wireless, is out now. Here’s a quick preview of what’s in this issue:
The August issue clocks in at 80 pages, and highlights this month include:
- EME – Comprehensive article featuring Joe Taylor K1JT, and Justin Johnson G0KSC
- Advice on buying second-hand amateur radio equipment at rallies
- SOTA – Looking at the Summits On The Air programme
- Trying to repair a Yaesu FT-817 with a blown final
- A review of (and visit to) Panorama Antennas
- WAB Trigpoints Awards
- Has the CW National Field Day (NFD) had its day?
- Plus in the letters pages, discussion of the future of amateur radio
Essex in PW
Also in this issue, lots of coverage of Essex amateurs and local events. Keep an eye out for the following:
- Essex CW Club running a special event station to commemorate V-J Day
- TX Factor’s recent visit to Essex – Hopefully due out at the end of July
- Steve M0SHQ working the SO-50 satellite, and the first QSO by Dean M6NSX on an Essex Ham field day
- Balloon launch by Chris M6EDF
- Promoting amateur radio at the Southend Raspberry Jam (mentions for Nick 2E0DVX,, jakub 2E0FTX, Sarah M6PSK and Kelly M6KFA). Also mentions of SEARS, TAARC and Essex RAYNET
- Waters & Stanton Open Day – Pic including Paul G7BHE, Jeff M3JJS, Nick M0NFE, Steve M1ACB, Pete M0PSX, Kathryn SWL, Sarah M6PSK, Dorothy M0LMR and Richard M0CLZ
- Morse Mouse – Free software to help encourage youngsters to try Morse, written by CARS member Charlie M0PZT
Also, mentions of Waters & Stanton’s store improvements, and of course, the EME article featuring Justin G0KSC from Canvey-based Innovantennas.

Practical Wireless is available from WH Smiths on the high street, or direct from PW online.