Tonight, Tuesday the 7th of October, was the Annual General Meeting for the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society.
As a club’s AGM is normally a matter for its committee and members, we normally don’t report on proceedings of an AGM, but as the meeting brought up some matters of possible wider interest, here is a short summary:
The meeting was opened with an overview of the year’s activities by Chairman John Yates G1UZD, followed by the following reports:
- A year in pictures, from Vice-President John G8DET
- Training report from Clive G1EUC
- Skills night report from Pete M0PSX
- President’s report from Carl G3PEM
- Presentation of club awards
- Chairman’s report from John G1UZD
- Acting Treasurer’s report, Carl G3PEM
Congratulations to Myra M0MYR and David G3SVI for receiving the CARS Amateur of the Year 2014 award, for their hard work in promoting amateur radio at club events and field days.
Committee elections
After many years of service, Brian G3CVI has asked to step down from the position of Treasurer and Membership Secretary. The following changes were made to the CARS committee:
- Colin G0TRM becomes Hon. Secretary
- James 2E1GUA becomes Membership Secretary
- Roland M0BDB becomes Hon. Treasurer
- Charlie M0PZT joins the committee
After a short break, the meeting ended with some items of AOB from the floor and the drawing of the raffle.
Dave M0MBD had asked to speak in his capacity as a member of the RSGB Training & Education Committee on the subject of the GB4FUN callsign, and promotional material offered from the RSGB. If you have any comments on the subject, Dave can be contacted directly. His details are on QRZ: Dave M0MBD on QRZ
Ofcom Licence Review
Murray G6JYB gave a short presentation about the current proposals to make changes to the amateur radio licence. The closing date for comments is 20th October and you can find the RSGB’s information on the proposals here:
Murray drew attention to topics such as the proposed changes to the Regional Secondary Locators (MW, MM, MI, etc) and frequency of use of callsign. You can see our notes and your comments here: Ofcom Licence Review 2014