Well done to the nine successful candidates who passed their Foundation exam tonight with the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society
The exam, held on the 19th of February 2015, marked the end of the 31st Foundation course run by the hard-working CARS training team.
Here are a couple of pictures of the happy soon-to-be amateurs, who now begin the wait for the paperwork to be processed by the RSGB and Ofcom. Hopefully, you’ll be able to wish them a warm Essex welcome in a couple of weeks time when they make it onto the air.

Whilst the exam was being marked, the CARS training coordinator Clive G1EUC introduced a short session to cover the topic of “what happens next”, which included how to apply for a licence and callsign, some of the activities worth attending and how to get started. Several handouts were distributed, which included links to handy ham radio sites and information on joining the RSGB.
Next up was a short demonstration of how to take part in a Net, handy for those keen to join the Monday Night Net.
After that, Andy G0IBN gave an excellent introduction to Morse and the courses on offer at Danbury Village Hall – the demonstration included a couple of short Morse messages sent by Morse course attendees Daniel and Rob. In response to a question from the candidates, Andy recommended Just Learn Morse as a good program to help get started with CW.

Well done to the successful candidates, and enjoy your amateur radio journey. We look forward to working you soon!
Those candidates looking to progress, note that the next Intermediate course is provisionally planned to start on Thursday the 2nd of April. contact the CARS Training Team for more details and to book a place.
Congratulations to them all , well done indeed xx