Thursday the 6th of November 2014 saw a new training initiative for the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society… “What Happens Next?”
Having recently completed its 30th successful Foundation training course, Training Manager Clive Ward G1EUC discussed the idea of holding an informal get-together for the course’s candidates to help them with their amateur radio journey, and so was born the first “What Happens Next” session.
Organised by Peter Davies M0PSD, the evening had a lot to offer – including an open forum question-and-answer session, a huge range of leaflets and literature, and some handy tips on what to do with that shiny new callsign.

Special guest for the evening was Justin Johnson G0KSC from Essex-based InnovAntennas, who gave a couple of bite-size talks on what to look for when selecting your first antenna, and the use of baluns. As well as answering questions from the floor on subjects such as loft antennas and choosing a first rig, Justin was on hand to answer questions one-on-one.

As well as getting good advice on the first VHF and/or HF antenna, choosing the right rig is very important too. Some of the team brought along radios, making for an impressive show-and-tell session.

In addition to the CARS Training Team, 14 people attended this first session, with a good mix of those who’ve just passed, plus a few recent CARS graduates keen for a refresher.

Well done to Peter M0PSD, Clive G1EUC and the rest of the CARS Training Team for putting on the first “What Happens Next?” session, and helping the new generation of M6s on their way.

Foundation Training with CARS

The next CARS Foundation Training course starts on Thursday the 15th of January 2015. If you know anyone who would be interested in joining the amateur radio entry-level course, please contact the CARS Training Manager Clive Ward G1EUC on 01245-224577 . More details on the course can be found here:
Thanks to the CARS Training Team for allowing Essex Ham to run this article. Photos supplied by kind permission of CARS member Kristian 2E0SSX
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Now this actually sounds like a bloody good idea. I remember my m6 when i got it i was a bit what do i do now. When i asked the people i did my training with they went you got your licence so you should know.
Heck even as a 2E if i could drive i would attend as i still feel i do not know enough.
Even the basics how some stuff like repeaters work as we do tend to on the monday night net have to explain the basic of how to get duplex to work.
Hi Mitchell. Agreed. It’s so hard to know what to when you’ve first got your licence. When I had just got my licence, I was dead scared of making a mistake, saying the wrong thing, buying the wrong thing, upsetting a neighbour or blowing something up. Some kind of “what next?” session would have been really handy. To to my bit to make this easier, I started Essex Ham, and the ‘Net.
There have been a couple of attempts at starting something like this new CARS get-togther and it’s nice to see this take off. I think you and I spoke a couple of years back about my idea for a Foundation+ sessions on the Monday Night Net. This was something I was hoping to get started a while back and it had broadly similar aims, but in a different format.
Well done for the CARS lads for sorting it! It went very well, with some happy visitors.
It was a fantastic evening with great opportunities to learn from the team and visiting guest speakers. Peter Davies had brilliant handouts too. I only wish I took more with me. It was a very worthwhile night.
10/10 Fantastic!