Essex Balloon Flight in Radio User August 2014

Thanks to Trevor M5AKA for letting us know that this month’s issue of Radio User hit the shelves and letterboxes a few days ago, with the August issue containing almost half a page about the launch of the CARS-1 High Altitude Balloon by Essex amateur Chris Stubbs M6EDF

CARS-1, featured in Radio User August 2014
CARS-1, featured in Radio User August 2014

The Flight of CARS-1

If you missed the story, Chris launched a helium-filled balloon as part of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society’s club night, and the balloon was tracked from Essex into Kent before crossing the Channel. Its fate is still unknown as the battery packed up whilst 5.4km above France.

Take a look at our video for details on the launch and more on the subject of high altitude ballooning:

August’s Radio User

This month’s issue is a good read, including the following:

  • How to convert the £10 RTL SDR dongle to receive HF, with the Cross Country Wireless HF Upconverter
  • Rooftop antennas and planning permission
  • Mariime radio – AIS tracking and Coastguards, plus offshore platform beacons
  • Aviation – including a prosecution for a chap who flew a quadcopter over Alton Towers and posted his video on YouTube
  • Comments on CB radio SSB changes

… plus lots of free radio and shortwave snippets and some handy radio software links. An interesting read!

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