As most visitors to our site will know, RAYNET is the part of the amateur radio hobby that provides emergency communications services, as well as support for community and charity events.
Essex is well served by the team at Essex RAYNET, who are busy throughout the year across the county. In this short article, you’ll find a little more information on what Essex RAYNET has been up to in recent months.
Saltmarsh 75
The weekend of the 4th and 5th of October 2014 saw Essex RAYNET providing communications for Maldon District Council’s “Saltmarsh 75”. This two-day event saw around 300 energetic walkers follow a 75 mile route along the coast of Essex. Providing radio coverage for this event is no small undertaking, requiring use of cross-band repeaters, portable setups at checkpoints and use of APRS tracking.

Over 20 Essex RAYNET members were active for the event, with many working long hours on both days. The control point for the event was at Maldon District Council’s offices, with operators working in shifts passing and logging messages, and helping to ensure that the event ran smoothly.

At key checkpoints along the route, Essex RAYNET were co-sited with event marshals, relaying walker information, updates on the progress of the event and important messages for the organisers. Another key role was that of the “sweep” – ten members of the team volunteered to walk the route at a discrete distance behind the last walker, carrying an APRS beacon to inform Control of the position of the last walkers.

The event was a success, and a great demonstration of what RAYNET is capable of. As well as the technical challenge of covering the course, lots of planning (and walking) was required, as well as cooperation with other organisations taking part, including the marshals, council officials, paramedics, Rover Rescue, and Redcopters (unmanned aerial vehicles).
RAYNET Training Days
To ensure that the team is ready for action, a new series of training events have started, the first of which was held on the 2nd of November. Members of Essex RAYNET met at the Wilderness Foundation in Chelmsford for an antenna workshop, helping to ensure that the team is able to deploy antenna masts quickly and safely.

Local Councils
Essex RAYNET is pleased to report that is has been working with Tendring District Council in recent weeks to be able to provide an emergency communication service as may be needed. Other tests of radio equipment and facilities have recently been completed at council sites in Brentwood, Castle Point, Southend and Chelmsford.
Upcoming Events
The next event to be supported by Essex RAYNET is the Farleigh Hospice Santa Fun Run, a charity event which takes place in Chelmsford on the 7th of December.
Interested in being a part of Essex RAYNET?
If you like the idea of putting your radio skills to use and helping the local community, you might like to consider becoming a part of Essex RAYNET. They have a busy events calendar for the next year, and events offer an excellent opportunity to sharpen your skills and learn something new. You can find information about Essex RAYNET at