Every year, we collate stats on the number of radio amateurs in Essex, plus other handy data about the shape of the hobby locally. As of 31 December 2016, this is what our stats show.
This is only based on data sourced from public domain resources, so please take with a pinch of salt.
Amateurs in Essex
Number of amateurs in Essex: 2689
- Foundation: 422
- Intermediate: 220
- Full: 2047

Callsigns in Essex
Number of unique callsigns in Essex: 3078
Number of club callsigns: 31
Clubs in Essex
Number of amateur radioclubs, groups & organisations in Essex: 22
- Traditional clubs: 18
- Online (Virtual) clubs: 2
- Non-clubs: 2

Based on best estimates, here are some stats about traditional clubs in Essex:
- Members of one or more club: 342 (13% of Essex amateurs belong to a traditional club)
- Average club membership: 18 people in Essex per club
Based on published stats for online (virtual) clubs:
- Members of one or more online (virtual) club: 375 (Essex only)
- Average club membership of an online (virtual) club: 206 people (Essex only)
Club Websites & Social Media
- Clubs with a website: 85%
- Clubs using Twitter: 65%
- Clubs using Facebook: 45%
- Clubs with pages promoting the hobby: 10%
- Clubs with pages promoting training: 50%
- Sites correctly discoverable in Google: 35%
- Sites passing “mobile-friendly test”: 47%
There’s been a slight improvement in online promotion of the hobby in Essex since we checked last year, but the profile is still pretty low. For information, see last year’s Better Club Websites for Essex feature.
According to the RSGB, 2,174 people sat exams passed an amateur radio exam in the first 11 months of 2016. Here are some numbers for Essex (again, based on best info available)
- Number of clubs running training: Between 5 and 8
- Foundation passed: 36 confirmed (Source: CARS, HADARS, SEARS, TARG & TAARC. No data for CRA, HADARC or LEFARS)
- Essex people enrolled into Foundation Online course (Jan-Dec): 33
Well done to the clubs, trainers and amateurs in Essex who’ve worked hard to promote the hobby and bring new amateurs on board in 2016
Hopefully some interesting info and stats, for those interested in such things!
HADARS passed 8 Foundation and 2 intermediate in 2016
Happy New Year
Thanks Mike. Now updated. Here’s to a great 2017!
Thank you , I found it interesting , quite surprised in the findings that not many clubs promote the hobby , on their websites , surely that should be a major feature ? Still let’s hope they read this, and look into it and see what they can improve xx thank you for collating all this and sharing this with us all , bring it on for another year of. HAPPY HAMMING Xx
Hi Dorothy, and Happy Hamming New Year!
A lot of club websites tend to focus on serving their existing members (next event, meeting write-ups, net times, etc) – that’s fine as that’s what the club wants from its site – but if a newcomer keen to find out more stumbles across many amateur radio sites, there’s nothing to encourage them into the hobby. Have a browse around some of the sites linked to from here for examples: https://www.essexham.co.uk/essex-clubs
Happy new year to all and keep the good work up as Essex Ham clubs are really promoting the hobby well. Ian G1IMS of Newgate Street Village (South of Hertford) Holder of car number plate AP11 HAM if you see me around.
Hi. Christopherfancett can you tell member of. Club. Can you email to.me. From christopherfancett G20831
Hi Christopher. Yes, you’re a member of Essex Ham. You joined in September 2016. If you’ve forgotten your login details, use your email address and select “Forgot password”. Pete
Hi christopherfancett. G20831. Thankyou. Tell me. I will be on 2m on Monday. At. 800pm. From christopherfancett. G20831