Events for Week Starting 20 Jan

Essex Ham Media LogoThis is a quick summary of what’s happening for Essex Hams over the coming week, as it’s quite a busy one.

This update was mailed out to our subscribers earlier today, but we know not everyone using our site is a subscriber. If you want to get updates from us by email,just up as a free Essex Ham member , or alternatively, if you want an email each time we add a news story, you can join our Mailing List

Skills Night

As you’ve hopefully heard by now, the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is holding the first Amateur Radio Skills Night tomorrow – Monday the 20th of January. This will be held at the Danbury Village Hall, starting from 7pm

This will be an opportunity to come along, ask questions, try something new and share your experiences with others. The first event will be an informal meet-and-greet social event, with tea, coffee and biscuits. All are welcome, there’s no charge, and you don’t need to be a CARS member.

Danbury Village Hall
Danbury Village Hall

Details, pictures and a map can be found via this link:

Monday Night Net for 20th January

For this Monday, the 20th of January, there will be no Net, as we’re all at Danbury for a face-to-face net (see above)! We hope to pop up from time to time on Monday though, as we’ll have access to GB3DA from the venue, so if you can’t make it, try to join us on-air from 8pm.

New club launches this week

Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club Logo

The Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club holds it’s first club night this coming Tuesday, the 21st of January at the 1st Grays Scout Group Hall in Grays.

The theme for the evening is QRP. If you’re in the area, go  along and show your support for Essex’s newest club.

Other Events this week

  • Monday: Braintree & District ARS – Equipment Safety Talk
  • Thursday: CARS Foundation Training (week 3)
  • Friday: LEFARS are hosting a RAYNET talk
  • Saturday & Sunday: SOS Weekend. CARS operating from Marconi Sailing Club
  • Saturday & Sunday: LEFARS Foundation Training Weekend

Also, don’t forget the SEARS Canvey Rally, on Sunday the 2nd of February

For a summary of local events, see our new-look Events Calendar:

Hopefully this quick summary has been of interest. Keep an eye on our Events Calendar for more, or sign up and become a free Essex Ham for updates via email.

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