A gorgeous day in Essex, so the perfect excuse for a semi-impromptu afternoon of radio at Galleywood Common.

A good group of Essex Hams descended on the Common from around 2pm today, Saturday the 22nd of August with multiple stations on multiple bands. Peter G1FOA and Chris G0IPU performed some experiments on 6m. Peter G0DZB was experimenting with the 80m antenna that he brought along to the August Skills Night, eventually working several Europeans after sunset. Brian was operating 2m from his handheld, before having a go on HF, and Pete M0PSX made a few contacts on 20m and 40m.
Charlie M0PZT reports that 40m was reasonable and he worked a few UK stations. 20m even had some German stations and Charlie worked an Estonian /P station. Some very odd HF conditions, but nonetheless, a good day to be out in the fun having fun on-air.

Thee of the team also worked one of the loudest stations on the dial, GS0AYR, a club station in Scotland at a maritime museum. Kudos to Steve G4HSK for giving his QTH as “50 yards from the last bloke you spoke to” – but each contact was made on a different rig and antenna. Steve, Charlie and Pete all got a solid 59 report.
SOTA-chaser Peter G1FOA made contact with DH7FK/P, located at SOTA reference DMTH003 – always nice to help a fellow Summits-on-the-air person.
Chris G0IPU brought along his DF (direction-finding) kit, and Charlie tried to track down the transmitter in the wooded area of the Common – all good fun.
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