Thanks to those who attended the 9th Essex Ham field day of the year – another impromptu field day / how-to session at the popular Galleywood Common venue.
Sunday the 20th of May 2018 was a sunny one, and a good number of people turned up to play radio, following on from a get-together the day before in the South of the county (Shoebury field day 19 May 2018)

The day was another chance to try the “R” prefix, for the Royal Wedding. It was also the tail-end of the RSGB 144MHz contest, and the team on 2m gave away a few points for those taking part in the contest.
Brian 2E0WHB and family were on site videoing “something (video to follow!)
Two Foundation candidates came along to get in some practice ahead of their upcoming exams. Full marks to Andrew, pictured here, for trying out a rather clever Raspberry Pi-powered FT-8. This made use of his new FT-857. he used the Essex Ham club callsign (under supervision) and managed to make contact with LZ2WO in Bulgaria using FT8 on 6m.

Peter G0DZB brought along his most recent project, a laser-cut desk/field event sign – Pete M0PSX managed to scatter the letters far and wide, unaware they weren’t glued into place – resulting in a fun “hunt the letter” game.

A great day in the sun with 4 stations on the go, and a good bunch of Essex Hams experimenting and enjoying radio – which is what it’s all about!
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Pete M0PSX