A few words and pictures about the third Galleywood Gathering, on Sunday the 21st of February 2016…

A dozen or so locals met for the third Galleywood Gathering at the Horse & Groom, Galleywood for an afternoon of socialising, and, in a first for the Galleywood Gathering – some radio!
The trend for RF was started by Peter G0DZB, who made contact with a DK9, RA3 and a Polish special event station – all on 30m CW. Everyone else was enjoying the treats of the Horse & Groom’s food and drink in the warm, but we slowly gravitated to the car park, firing up 5 cars to work multiple modes and bands. Dean 2E0DSX on DMR, Peter G1FOA on 4m, Pete M0PSX on 2m, and Kristian M0SSK, Richard G7OED and Dorothy M0LMR firing up from their vehicles.
Well done to Charlie M0PZT for getting a group of Essex Hams together for a great afternoon of chat, food and even a little radio. Here’s a few photos from the day…
Great pictures, we all had a lovely time, they are a great idea and the addition of doing some radio outside is good too, very enjoyable , well done Charlie M0PZT for organising another successful GG xx