Thanks to Dorothy M0LMR and Joel G0URK for suggesting this outing.
Marconi & 2MT historian Tim Wander was giving a talk at the Galleywood Heritage Centre on the 12th of June 2018. He was later giving the same talk (but with a ham radio bias) at SEARS in the evening.
To support Tim’s talk, a small group of Essex Ham members, plus two of the team from SEARS, went along to the Galleywood Heritage Centre to raise awareness for Tim’s talk, and to allow Tim to mention to those at his talk, that amateur radio was alive and well in Chelmsford.
The station was a basic 2m setup, allowing contact with locals ahead of the talk, and we were pleased that Tim, himself a licensed ham, was able to have a go on-air, talking to locals about the early days of 2MT Writtle.
Here are a small selection of photos from the event.

From 7pm, Tim gave an excellent talk at SEARS in Benfleet.