Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society will be operating a special event station, GB1JSS, for the the Summer Solstice… the longest day of the year, this Sunday, the 21st of June.
The day-long event takes pace at Galleywood Common, just off the A12, a great location for playing radio, and is being organised for CARS by Charlie M0PZT. Here’s Charlie’s summary of what’s planned:
We’re a few days away from the longest day of the year – and that means the best opportunity of doing some outdoor operating. Members of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (CARS) will be at regular /P venue of Galleywood Common with the callsign GB1JSS (June Summer Solstice) from 7am until around 9pm.
This will be the 2nd year for this event and coordinator, Charlie M0PZT is expecting another successful day: “Last year’s event saw over 30 locals turn-up to enjoy a mix of operating, chat and learning about putting together a station “in the field”, all we need is the weather to stay nice and no solar flares!”.
A pre-7am start will see some activity on 80m before moving to 40m SSB and other bands/modes. A 2m station for local QSOs will be running so why not give us a call if you can’t make it? The operating QTH offers free parking and there’s plenty of room to put up wires and no electrical QRM! How often do you get to operate on 40m with less than S1 of noise?
The Galleywood Heritage Centre is close by (for facilities) and the Horse and Groom is about 500yrds away if you fancy a pub-lunch.
If you wish to bring equipment, please contact Charlie M0PZT m0pzt<at> or just turn-up to watch, operate or enjoy the weather.
Directions and Map
The station will be in the car-park off Margaretting Road next to the Heritage Centre. Directions from A12: If you’re coming from Wood Street, just turn right at the Eagle public house and then left at the “P” sign.
Summer Solstice 2014
This year’s event follows on from a successful Solstice event last year. Here are some photos from the 2014 GB1JSS activation:

For more on the June 2014 event, see our GB1JSS 2014 Summary

If you can, get out to play radio on the longest day with the team at Galleywood Common – all day on Sunday the 21st of June.