Monday Night Net 02 June 2014

Handheld Microphone The Essex Ham Monday Night Net for 02 June 2014 started at 8:00pm local (7pm GMT) on GB3DA, the 2m repeater located at Danbury, near Chelmsford.

Live Chat: The chatroom is running as usual. Go to to get chatting – Our chat software requires you to create a free Essex Ham account. Here’s the attendance list for this week’s net:

  1. Pete M0PSX , Southend – In the chair
  2. Tony M6LLH , Mayland – Well done on passing your Intermediate with CARS last week
  3. Nick M0NIB, Brentwood – Bus with beam construction
  4. Dam M6DNX, Halstead – Thanks for the rig photos
  5. Charlie M0PZT, Chelmsford – Thks for helping out in the chatoom with DMUs and ATUs
  6. Jakub 2E0FTX, Southend – Nice to work you on the new callsign and good luck with working data
  7. Justin G0KSC, Canvey – Mobile for a quickie over
  8. James 2E1GUA, Chelmsford – Catch his Twitter and Facebook for some interesting and emotionally stirring pictures
  9. Brian G1ILG, Thaxted – Long time no speak!
  10. Chris M6EDF, Chelmsford – Thanks for the update on balloons and good luck for the schools flight tomorrow – see the link below
  11. Dorothy M6EBQ , Basildon – Well done on passing your Intermediate with CARS last week – Hope to see you at Galleywood, when you can air your new 2E0 callsign
  12. Martyn G1EFL, Chelmsford – Always a pleasure and thanks for popping up

Topics for the evening as follows:

  • Is the Yaesu DMU any cop? Survey says no
  • Cotton headphone muffs, as loved by M0PZT
  • Balloon flights
  • CARS net tomorrow on GB3DA
  • Setting up radios for use on data modes – soundcards and interfaces

We closed the net just after 22:25 – thanks everyone!

Any thoughts on tonight’s net? Add ’em below…

Controlling the Monday Night Net
Pete M0PSX, controlling the Monday Night Net

Handy Links

Got a comment about this week’s Monday Night Net? Please add it below.

Essex Ham would like to thank the Essex Repeater Group for allowing us to use the GB3DA repeater for our weekly net. This repeater, together with GB3ER, GB3DB and GB7ZP are managed by volunteers, and if you wish to support the ERG, you can make a donation online, or become a member, at – ERG is a not-for-profit organisation.
Please note that the views and opinions expressed by participants of the Monday Night Net do not necessarily reflect the views of Essex Ham or the net controller.

One Comment

  1. Chris M6EDF 2 June 2014 Reply

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