The Essex Ham Monday Night Net for the 10th of June 2019 started at 8pm local time on GB3DA, the 2m repeater located at Danbury, near Chelmsford.
Our Monday Night Net launched back in 2011 and is still going strong. Everyone’s welcome to join, especially those who’ve recently got their licence and are looking for help with getting started in the hobby.
If you’re new to our Monday Night Net, you can find more information here: Monday Night Net
On this page, you’ll find a quick summary of who joined this week’s net, and what was discussed.
Live Chat: During the Net, we run an Internet chatroom. Go to to get chatting during our nets – You need to create a free Essex Ham account to access our chatroom. |
Internet Feed: Not in range of the GB3DA? Several Internet feeds are available, including: Essex Ham’s Audio Feed or Essex Ham on TuneIn. |
Net Attendees
Here’s the attendance list for this week’s net:
- Pete M0PSX, Southend-on-Sea (in the chair)
- Rachel G6AMY, Grays
- Dorothy M0LMR, Basildon
- Andrew 2E0XFC, Frinton-on-Sea
- Brian 2E0WHB, Chelmsford
- Mike G8EJN, Billericay
- Andrew M0ONH, Chelmsford
- G7OED, Basildon
- David M1ECC, Basildon
- Les G4JDS, Chelmsford
- Oscar 2E1HWE, Westcliff-on-Sea
- Kristian M0SSK, Basildon
Topics for the evening, as follows:
Subjects included (in no particular order) were:
- The grotty weather
- The slow Morse Net is also on on a Monday Night
- The Ipswich Rally last Sunday – good event, and there’s a video online
- Well done to Dorothy for her excellent “Women in Tech” talk to Southend professionals last week
- Anyone got any experience of the M0AQC data interface for a Yaesu
- Andrew M0ONH will be talking about micros at SEARS tomorrow night
- LHARC Club Night this Friday Night
- Love Island?
- HMS Belfast GB75DDAY station on air (especially on a Thursday), with a special QSL card
- Lightning strikes
- TV series “Alone”
- Amateur Radio calendar of events
The net closed at 10:05pm. Thanks to all for joining on-air or in the chatroom

Thanks & Disclaimer
Essex Ham would like to thank the Essex Repeater Group for allowing us to use the GB3DA for our weekly net. This repeater, together with GB3ER, GB3DB and GB7ZP are managed by volunteers. ERG would appreciate your support which can be by membership or donation, online at
Please note that the Monday Night Net is recorded for the protection of our participants. Audio from repeaters around the UK, including GB3DA, may be streamed online and via web SDRs.
The views and opinions expressed by participants of the Monday Night Net do not necessarily reflect the views of Essex Ham.
Data Protection Notice: Messages transmitted over amateur radio as part of an Essex Ham Net are streamed online and recorded. Names and callsigns of net participants are logged and a summary of attendees made public via this website. We believe this to be for reasons of ‘Legitimate Interest’ under GDPR regulations. Messages posted in the Net chatroom may be relayed over-air as part Essex Ham’s Net, if the Net Controller deems it to be relevant to on-air discussion. See our Terms & Privacy Policy for more. |