Well done to 19 new amateurs that joined our ranks this weekend – LEFARS saw 11 passes, with TARG seeing 8 successful candidates
Thames Amateur Radio Group Successes
Please welcome Susan, Suzy, Peter, Stephen, John, Jake, Luke and Jamie into our community. The Thames Amateur Radio Group held its second Foundation training course this weekend, and all eight candidates passed.

It’s a great result for the training team at the Canvey-based club that was formed less than a year ago, and the team of nine trainers, assessors and helpers led by Mark M0IEO and Pete M0PSX worked hard to make sure that the candidates were armed with the information they needed.
As well as lectures and exam preparation, the course included the mandatory practical sessions, as well as extra modules, such as use of repeaters, designed to help newcomers to the hobby get on-air. Learning was supplemented with videos, interactive revision sessions, a steady flow of tea, coffee, snacks and an inclusive lunch.

Three of the weekend’s candidates, Jack, Luke and Jamie, work for the well-respected local aerial manufacturers, InnovAntennas, meaning that more of the company’s team are licensed amateurs. We’re happy to report that all three of the InnovAntenna lads had no problem with Yagi-related learning!
Foundation Training Slides
This weekend’s training course was the first outing for a new set of training slides – A dedicated set of slides to be used for training new prospective Essex Hams has been created in association with Essex Ham covering the key syllabus topics: “What is amateur radio”, technical basics, transmitters, receivers, feeders and antennas, signal propagation, licence conditions, operating procedures, electromagnetic compatibility and safety consideration. A series of mock exams, and revision slides also make up the set, as well as some training video content. See: Essex Ham Foundation Training Slides.

Well done to the latest newbies to pass the Foundation exam… Hopefully, we’ll be hearing some new voices and callsigns on the Monday Night Net. If so, please make them very welcome.