The March 2015 issue of RadCom, the RSGB’s monthly magazine, will be winging its way to RSGB members in the next few days. We like to take a look at how active Essex has been, and we’re happy to report that Essex, and Region 12, has again got the largest amount of ‘ink’ in the “Around Your Region” section, where Region 12 continues to be a busy part of the country.
The News section of RadCom mentions the new RSGB Facebook page – have you ‘liked’ the RSGB yet? Also mentioned in the main news section is the upcoming solar eclipse propagation experiment, and the RSGB’s investigation into VDSL broadband interference.
Elsewhere in the issue, a review of the Kenwood TS-590SG, the Elad FDM-Duo SDR and making use of the Raspberry Pi in your shack.
Around Your Region:
Here’s a quick look at what gets a mention in the March issue:

Braintree & District ARS: Reports on the club’s two December meetings (TX Factor and the Christmas party), plus the January meeting, which screened episode 3 of the TX Factor.
Chelmsford ARS: A busy issue for CARS reporting on the record-breaking January Skills Night (72 people!), the SOS weekend raising money for the RNLI and a mention of the planned activity day on the 22nd of March at the Museum of Power in Maldon.
Essex Ham: Essex Ham’s Monday Night Net got a mention, highlighting that over 140 callsigns were logged in 2014, and that the net has a chatroom, plus a new Internet stream courtesy of Nick 2E0DVX – (to those not keen on seeing M0PSX in Radcom – sorry, but Pete’s pic has been used)
South Essex ARS: A report on the club’s Christmas social and a look back at 2014, as well as an announcement about the club’s upcoming Foundation training course in April.
Thames Amateur Radio Group: News of the group’s new TARGet Nite club event – The first of these new nights, concentrating on mentoring and homebrew, starts on the 20th of February. The picture includes Huw, Lez, and cake. Members-only, entrance price £2.50.
Thurrock Acorns ARC: The club’s January meeting didn’t quite go to plan, but turned into a look at some home-made test equipment, and an antenna-tuning practical.
Nice to see so many Essex Ham members featured, either by name, or in the group photos – at the first pass, I can see the following callsigns, but have missed a few: Charlie M0PZT, Chris M6EDF, Clive G1EUC, David G4AJY, Graham G7JYD, James 2E1GUA, Jim 2E0RMI, Kristian 2E0SSX, Les 2E0LEZ, Mark M6RKC, Nick 2E0DVX, Pete M0PSX, Peter G0DZB, Roland M0BDB, Selim M0XTA, Steve 2E0UEH and Trevor M5AKA.
If you want to read the articles in full, without having to wait for your copy of RadCom to pop through your letterbox, take a look in the Essex Ham Members section for a PDF version of the ‘Around Your Region’ section.
Handy Links
- RSGB Joining Discounts – Save money on joining RSGB
- Join the RSGB – Free for under 21s, and students age 21 to 25!
Really nice to see the people of Essex keeping the dream alive!!! Mike
Plus an Essex Ham member (who doesn’t live in Essex, never mind, nobody’s perfect!) got quite a few sentences in the VHF/UHF column too! Have a look at page 64, and roll on the 2 Meyer activity day next month.