As most radio amateurs know, RAYNET is the amateur radio service that provides emergency communication. What’s perhaps less well known is that for historical reasons, there are two UK RAYNET organisations; The Radio Amateurs Emergency Network (“Network”), and the RSGB’s RAYNET. Some local RAYNET groups affiliate to the RSGB, some to Network, and some to both (or neither).
At the National Hamfest in September 2015, teams from the RSGB Emergency Communications Committee and the Network met with a view to reunifying the two organisations into a single RAYNET. As a result of the meetings, an agreement has been reached, and once some legal details have been agreed, the two organisations are set to become one, hopefully by the end of the year.
Assuming all goes to plan, having a single organisation will simplify matters for the User Services, and means that RAYNET volunteers can work together under a single umbrella following a single set of guidelines.
In an exclusive, we caught up with representatives from both groups shortly after the meeting, to get the inside story:
RAYNET: RAEN and RSGB Reunification Interview with Peter Thomson GM1XEA
Thanks to Peter Thomson GM1XEA, RSGB ECC Chairman and to Cathy Clark G1GQJ, Chairman, of the Radio Amateurs’ Emergency Network for the update, and for giving Essex Ham the scoop!