As 2021 draws to a close, here’s a quick look back at what the group’s been up to over the last 12 months.
Below, you’ll find a short video highlighting our key activities in 2021:
For the second year in a row, Covid has taken its toll on amateur radio events, but Essex Ham still managed some activity with four field days in Galleywood: the June Summer Solstice, and other events in June, July and December.
We were at the Earls Colne Airfield for the Air Ambulances on the Air event in September, as official supporters of the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance.

We supported a very busy GB1BEL JOTA at Belchamps in October – a big thanks to all who helped out.
A new community workshop, the East Essex Hackspace launched in 2021, and we were invited to run a special event station for the opening. We activated the East Essex Hackspace later in the year for the Essex 2m Activity Day, and when the BBC Essex Quest paid the hackspace a visit.

We were promoting the hobby at the Belfairs Academy Careers and Community event in October, and we were alongside Hamtronics UK at the September Suffolk RED gathering, with our handouts for newbies.
Oscar 2E1HWE ran an Essex Ham net as part of the GOTA (Gateways On The Air) activity week from Hadleigh Castle
We launched a new podcast, as a trial – the HamNews UK podcast
Essex Ham was online for the RSGB convention, engaging with the Kent Steamettes, and in the early part of the year, we were asked to take part in the worldwide QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo by the ICQ podcast, discussing with we need to re-brand the hobby, with panel members from the UK, US and Australia.
Training was a strong focus for 2021 – we ran 24 courses, with a total of 2,422 students. We produced a new suite of videos for students and newbies, and interest in the online course is still very high.
Our nets continued through 2021 – thanks to everyone who took part, especially to Dorothy M0MLR for running the YL Net, with the perfect winter net drink.
So that’s our look at 2021 – thanks to everyone who supported the group during this challenging year.
Here’s hoping for a brighter 2022!
Pete M0PSX
Congratulations to Essex Ham for “Hanging on in There” from John G8DET, Chelmsford.
Happy New Year.
Well done guys and girls From Gregg smith 5b4AMG
President of the Paphos radio club in Cyprus
Thanks Essex Ham, I used your online course when my own club facilities were closed down with the first lockdown, got my M7 and then continued with online learning with Bath Distance Learning for my Intermediate and Full. Without online facilities we would have been snookered. Good Luck and hope that you have a great 2022
Graham Postlethwaite M0POS
31 December 2021 David Johnson
Hi all, I found your online course invaluable a few years back. I learned enough on your course to sit an exam at my local club here in S Wales, the Llanelli ham radio club in Swiss Valley. I am now MW6HUY.
I use a Yaesu ft817nd qrp rig, and have been amazed at the many contacts I have had with it on just 4 to 5 watts, on 20 meters and 40 meters including a couple of USA contacts on just 4 watts, I’m now hooked on qrp. Good luck to all the group, and here’s wishing you all a very happy new year for 2022. Please listen out for me in the new year, MW6 HUY Dave.
Well done on your efforts for 2021.
Happy New Year to all at Essex Ham.n Thanks for a great service.
Fantastic to see – thanks.