RSGB Beyond Exams Club Scheme – Building Experience

In 2020, the RSGB launched a new initiative aimed at getting newcomers to gain knowledge and stay interested in amateur radio after passing their Foundation exam.

At inception, the scheme was referred to by the title “Brickworks”. It now has the slightly less catchy title of: “Beyond Exams Club Scheme”

What does the Beyond Exams Club Scheme involve?

Newcomers to be hobby will be encouraged to take part in up to 23 activities, which count towards Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond PDF certificates. Here are the activities:

Having a go
1 Log 50 VHF/UHF contacts with unique stations.
2 Log 1 contact with 3 other countries in the UK.
3 Log 50 HF contacts with unique stations using CW or voice.
4 Log 50 HF contacts with unique stations using data modes (FT8, JT65, RTTY, etc)
5 Log 10 contacts with unique stations using image modes (SSTV or FSTV).
6 Log 10 contacts with unique stations using digital voice modes (e.g. DMR, D-Star, Fusion).
7 Log a contact through a satellite, or with the ISS.
Getting Involved
8 Activate a Summits on the Air (SOTA) summit.
9 Log contacts with unique stations in 20 different Worked All Britain (WAB) squares.
10 Log 10 successful contacts with unique stations in one contest.
11 Help set-up and/or tear-down a special event station
12 Operate and/or log at a special event station
Taking part
13 Attend 6 club meetings
14 Take part in 6 club nets
15 Undertake a role in the club on a regular basis
16 Make a presentation to the club on any amateur radio related subject
17 Take part in a RAYNET event
18 Help to organise an activity for the club
19 Build a piece of amateur radio-related equipment for your shack
20 Write an amateur radio-related piece of software or design a simple website
Promoting amateur radio
21 Introduce someone to the hobby who goes on to start a Foundation course
22 Attend a rally, or exhibition, to promote your club
23 Help run a training course at your club

What do participants get?

Clubs provide participants with a PDF certificate at the following milestones:

Type of Certificate Number of Activities
Bronze 3
Silver 5
Gold 10
Platinum 15
Diamond 23
Example of RSGB Beyond Exams Club Scheme Certificate
Example of RSGB Beyond Exams Club Scheme Certificate

What does a club have to do?

The RGSB expects clubs to:

  • Put on events and activities throughout the year so that participants can hit their targets
  • Monitor the progress of each participant and update their records
  • Issue PDF (or printed) certificates to participants using a supplied template
  • Send a monthly summary of certificates issued to RSGB

As not every club can do all 23 activities, it’s envisaged that clubs will work together to allow participants to tick off their achievements

How can clubs take part?

They have to sign up as an accredited club – See RSGB Beyond Exams (Club Scheme)

Anything else?

The scheme is based on the Brickworks concept developed by one of the RSGB’s Train The Trainers team, Derek Hughes G7LFC.

The scheme is being run by the RSGB’s Amateur Radio Development Group, which was formed after the Training & Education Committee was dissolved. The Group was originally chaired by Derek Hughes G7LFC, who stepped down in 2019, and was then led by Tony (Charles) Jones G7ETW who stepped down after a couple of months.

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