The newest event on the amateur radio calendar launches today, Friday the 1st of April 2016… SAGHOTA.
Standing for Sheds, Allotments and Green Houses On The Air, this new event is designed to encourage some on-air shed-to-shed activations.
Why not activate your shed today as part of the first day of this unique event? Or stay on the bands and help the shed-bound by making contact and helping them towards their activation certificate
For full details of the first SAGHOTA, go to

Got a shed, allotment or greenhouse? Then take part in the newly-launched SAGHOTA – from 10:30am on Friday the 1st of April – You’ll be a fool not to!
I shall immediately decamp to the allotment and fire up my 2kw handheld!
Speak to you all soon!
Can I obtain permission to use the first photo on this page in my column for CQ Amateur Radio Magazine? If so, it would be nice to identify the three people in the photo. Contact me asap as the column is ready to submit, I am just waiting for a photo from this event. 9Tom AA6TS). Thanks!
Of course Tom – I’ll send you a hi-res version now. Pete
Great – I’ll wait for it before I send in the column today. Thanks again!
Sent over 10 mins ago, large attachments, so let me know if they didn’t reach you, Pete
No, I didn’t receive an attachment. Did you send it directly to without going through this blog? Try sending again to that email, and please cc a copy to One of these should certainly get through! Thank you!