Sandford Mill Transmissions April 2011

The Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society was operating from Sandford Mill in Chelmsford on Saturday the 30th of April 2011.

The transmissions were as part of Sandford Mill’s International Marconi Day celebrations, which included two fascinating talks by Tim Wander entitled “The Marconi Hut” and “Marconi: The Early Years”

CARS was operating on HF from Sandford Mill’s Engine House, on the 20m and 40m bands (voice and morse) under a special event callsign of GB100MWT assigned by OfCom.

HF broadcasts from Sandford Mill April 2011
HF operations from Sandford Mill April 2011

Further amateur radio events are planned at Sandford Mill for later in 2011. Keep an eye on this site for announcements of upcoming events.

More details: Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society

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