Now why has no-one thought of these before?
Discovered today: wall-mountable maps of the UK, Europe and the World where you can scratch off the countries that you’ve worked. Perfect for the shack wall, and a nifty gift idea for the upcoming Day of Fathers if you’re looking for a gift idea.

Thye maps are designed to be used for globetrotters to impress their friuends with the p[laces they’ve visitied, but it’s perfect for Essex Hams to scratch off the countries that they’ve worked. The maps has a coating of that lovely scrtach-off foil stuff revealing the various map colours.

The World Map has a gold scrape-off coating – rather stupidly, the dimensions for the map listed on the seller’s website are for the cardboard tube it’s delivered in, not the map itself. We’ve tracked down the dimensions to a decent 530 x 890mm
Surely a must for any shack wall – there’s even a portable travel version. Take a look at the Scratch Maps at I Want One Of Those. The World and UK versions are also at Firebox and there’s 50% off the UK one at the time of writing.
Good DX everyone!