Tuesday the 14th of April saw the South Essex Amateur Radio Society (SEARS) meet for its monthly club night.
The topic for the evening was “RSGB – A Dip into the Archives”, presented by Vic G6BHE.

The presentation was put together a couple of years ago by Elaine Richards at the RSGB for use by affiliated clubs.

Highlights of the talk included documentation on a proposal for membership from an entrepreneur who planned to transmits dreams and smells by radio, and how food parcels were sent over from the US during the war to keep amateurs supplied with tea and chocolate.
Also mentioned in the presentation, was the original logo, which appeared on the RSGB centenary badge in 2013. The badge, shown here on the right, includes both the new and the old logo.
Last July, SEARS made use of a similar RSGB talk – one on the subject of World War II RSGB archives.
In addition to the evening’s main presentation, there was the opporunity to catch up with friends from the club, as well as to meet three of the candidates for the upcoming SEARS foundation course, who’d come along to meet the team ahead of lesson one on Friday!
Great to spend some time with the friendly team at SEARS!
The next talk planned by SEARS takes place on the 12th of May in Thundersely and is on the subject of Numbers Stations – the clandestine stations used to transmit secret messages to agents in the field worldwide.