Tuesday the 10th of February 2015 saw the regular monthly get-together for the friendly folk at SEARS, the South Essex Amateur Radio Society, in Thundersley.
After a round of teas and coffees, a few club announcements, including a debrief on the recent Canvey Rally. This was the club’s 30th Rally, and has been very well received.
This was followed up by a quick update on some training news from Steve 2E0UEH. Steve attended the recent RSGB “Train The Trainers” course in Tamworth and is now an accredited trainer – something that only a handful of clubs in the UK can boast. If you know anyone interested in joining the April 2015 SEARS Foundation Course, contact Steve via the SEARS website.

The RSGB DRM Roland M0BDB was originally scheduled to talk to the club on the subjects of the RSGB and RAYNET, but sadly was unable to attend. Instead, two videos were shown.
TX Factor Episode 1
The TX Factor is the UK’s only regular online TV show covering amateur radio. The first episode was shown, including a look at the Marconi Centre, at Poldhu in Cornwall, SOTA activations on a mountain in Shropshire, and behind the scenes of the 2m repeater at the Norman Lockyer Observatory. See our review of TX Factor Episode 1 written in February 2014, or better still, watch the video here:
Canvey Rally 2015 Video
Next,sticking with the theme of the Canvey Rally, the video montage created by Pete M0PSX was played. Here’s the video:
Ed, one of the team from the SOSLUG as also in attendance, promoting the upcoming Raspberry Jam on Saturday the 21st of February in Southend (See Essex Ham at Raspberry Jam Feb 2015)
Thanks as ever to SEARS for a great evening.
Was a very nice evening, lovely chats with lovely people xx