On Saturday the 8th of August, the South Essex Amateur Radio Society (SEARS) operated a special event station from The Island Yacht Club, Canvey Island, to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the two B17s that crashed at Canvey Point in 1944, as well as VJ Day.

The club operated using the callsign GB2HB (after “Heavenly Body II”, one of the downed aircraft). The station was set up at Canvey Point, just a few hundred yards from the crash site. The station operated FM and SSB voice, CW, PSK and DMR.
This was SEARS’ 7th field event so far this year, and as well as a beautifully sunny day, was a great day for club members. As well as many of the club’s regular members, some new faces came along to sample a SEARS event, with one amateur signing up as a member on the spot – always a good sign!
Operating a GB special event station is a rite of passage for many amateurs entering the hobby, and today SEARS member Paul M6NFW took control of GB2HB on 40m, working stations from around the UK, as well as a DK station in Germany (not the US, as misheard by M0PSX!). Well done to Paul for a great session on 40m – a natural at working a busy HF station.

The 2m station was the station on-air, with Dorothy M0LMR clocking up the first five contacts. 2m wa son for most of the day, by HF formed the centre of attention.
Guest messages is an important part of any GB callsign’s remit and some VIP guest messages were sent in the morning – Rebecca Harris, MP for Castle Point send a guest message on 2m, followed by Canvey Island Councillor Ray Howard also sending message courtesy of amateur radio. They were on site unveiling a mural on the sea wall.

In the afternoon, the team was joined by Iryna, who had the chance to send her first guest message:

As well as operating voice, the team ran some PSK31, as well as CW. One rather unexpected sight, was Steve G4ZUL, well-known for his love of CW, on the mic working 40m voice, before switching back to the comfort of the paddle. Nice to see you and to catch up Steve!

A superb day playing radio and catching up with good friends. The SEARS team will be meeting on Tuesday the 11th for their next club night, and will we operating a station in Bradwell later in August – More details on the SEARS website.
More on the GB2HB location & event
The Island Yacht Club is an excellent location for radio, and for some great views across the Thames Estuary – From there, you can walk along the wall to the point and see some of the murals that have been painted on the seawall by where Heavenly Body crashed ..here is a link to the Canvey Community Archive. Tribute to the Heavenly Body crew
Related Links
More information on the SEARS website at www.southessex-ars.co.uk
Photo Gallery
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Was a lovely day, for the time we was there in the morning, and lovely to see how busy it was after , lots of great photos, and a great time had by all xx
Sorry – wasn’t there early enough to get a shot of you on the mic. If Richard has one, send it over? As Neil G0RNU said on 2m earlier, an event isn’t an event without you or I competing for a photo op!!
Lol, ok will do , I have a few richard took xx
Great to work you on Saturday at 1234 utc on 40M. Band conditions were not good but the 57 report was greatly appreciated.
I look forward to working many more of your Special-Event stations.
Kevin-M0XLT in the Yorkshire Dales