Keen to get out and enjoy some radio action, a group of Essex Hams were out-and-about on Shoebury East Beach on Sunday the 12th of July 2015. Organised on social media at less than 24 hours notice, about a dozen amateurs, SWL and family members turned up to have a go on HF, or catch up and socialise.

Unusually for these impromptu get-togethers, there was only one HF station active, and using a modest fishing pole vertical, but some great contacts were made, and some points given away in the last hour of the IARU contest. Highlights of the day included three hams shouting callsigns at a European station multiple times to get the other station to copy it correctly, to be given a 59, Laura M6LHT bringing along a 3D pocket-sized model of herself, the old “get a female voice on air to get some contacts” gambit, and how many hams does it take to not program a Baofeng UV-5R. Thanks to Steve M0SHQ for bringing along his kit and working the SO-50 satellite during a busy pass, and to Keith G7FFI and XYL Leslie for bringing along their two dogs to give the amateurs some exercise.

Good to see Jim 2E0RMI and Ann – taking advantage of the location to do some fort-spotting, Nick M0NFE trying out his shiny new callsign, and Steve 2E0UEH for turning up late to the party (without coffee!)

A great afternoon of impromptu radio and socialising… let’s do it again soon? Pete M0PSX
Awww shame we missed it, would of gone . Love shoebury…oh and you lot , lol xx