On Sunday the 16th of August, a team of intrepid Essex Hams descended on Shoebury East Beach for their second impromptu get-together this month.
The rain stayed away, leaving us with a sunny day, great views, interested passers-by (and traffic wardens) – a great to play radio, catch up and be social.

In total, ten regulars turned up, which given the short notice over social media, was a great turnout. We had four stations, including Peter G0DZB operating CW from his mobile shack (bulging panniers!). Pete M0PSX was running on 2m, and 40m was active with Dorothy M0LMR working some of the Lighthouses On The Air stations. Laura was keen to try out her new Slim Jim 2m antenna that she made at last month’s Danbury Skills Night, and was able to comfortably work Jim 2E0RMI who was with the CARS team up at Sandford Mill near Chelmsford.

As well as the names mentioned above, It was great to be joined by Nick M0NFE, Majbritt, Trevor M5AKA, Rob 2E0LMX, Richard M0CLZ and Ed G8FAX during the day and to have a chat about all things amateur radio.
By special request, Pete M0PSX gave a live performance of the now famous “Monday Night Net Disclaimer“, which has recently been updated at the request of the Essex Repeater Group. With no Monday Night Net tomorrow, the new disclaimer can be heard next on the 24th of August 2015. Don’t touch that dial, pop pickers!

As well as playing radio, lots of social fun, and we took it in turns to keep young Zena amused. Well done to Majbritt for her patience playing fetch. The joy Zena gets from a single tennis ball is inspiring!

Favourite photo of the day, and one worthy of a better caption than this:

Thanks to all who turned up to the mouth of the Thames Estuary to play amateur radio in Essex.
UPDATE: In a nice end to a very good day, waiting for Pete M0PSX at home was an email that one of our Foundation Online students, Andy V, had successfully completed his Foundation exam with TARG on Canvey. He scored an impressive 25 of out 26, and told us: “Thanks for letting me do your course – it was a great help! I can’t wait to get my licence now!”
Great report, was a good day, really enjoyed it, lovely to see so many , and have a nice chat, xena loves it as always bless her, she slept well when she got home….no doubt dreaming about ground planes xx look forward to the next one x 73 n 88
This is what Shoebury Beach fun is all about ;-) Luckily I was sending CW rather than trying to receive while posing for the group picture :-)