This coming Monday, the 16th of November 2015, will be the next Essex Skills Night, hosted by the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society Training Team. It’s also the last one of the year, as the team will be taking a break in December.
The Skills Night continues to be one of the most popular gatherings of radio enthusiasts in the area. It’s free to all, and everyone’s welcome – no need to be a member of any club to attend. Skills Nights are informal get-togethers where you can have a look at something new, mingle, share ideas and talk about the hobby.

Here’s what’s in store for the November 2015 Skills Night:
- D-Star & Satellites: Steve M0SHQ returns with his satellite kit, and will be happy to explain how to get started with working satellites, including the new FOX-1A. Steve will also bring along his D-Star hotspot, first seen last month.
- Construction: Looking for a cheap and effective antenna for either 2 metres or 70cm? Want a patch lead made up? This month’s construction room will be staffed by Peter M0PSD, Steve G4GHO and Alan M0IWZ, who’ll be happy to help with Slim Jim construction, soldering and hands-on help and advice.
- Digital Voice: Interested in getting started with DMR or D-Star? Appearing for the first time, Paul G7BHE will be demonstrating these two popular digital voice modes. Find out if DV could be the future.
- Radio Programming & Data Modes: Charlie M0PZT will available to set up your handheld for use on the local repeaters. Baofengs and other Chinese handies are his speciality, and he can also program a number of Yaesu handhelds (the FT-60 and VX-7), plus rigs such as the FT-817, FT-857 and FT-897. Please bring along the radio’s power cable. If you fancy trying it yourself, Charlie can help with supplying a programming cable, as well as other ham essentials such as coax adapters, RTL dongles and other handy items as seen on Ham Goodies
- Testing Ferrites: As a follow-up to the “Ferrites for EMC” feature on November’s RadCom, Peter G0DZB will be taking a look at the characteristics of our friend the ferrite.
- Essex Ham: This month, a demonstration of the low-cost Realtek SDR dongle and SDR#. Also, another chance to see the latest RSGB “21st Century Hobby” video, and pick up one of our recently updated getting started guides. We’re also providing the event’s wi-fi
- Morse and More: Meet the team from the Essex CW Club, and learn more about their mode of choice. The team hopes to be running a live HF CW station
- Chelmsford ARS: Chris 2E0CUU will be on the CARS table where you can renew your society membership, or pick up some CARS merchandise and leaflets
- Callsign Badges: Got a new callsign recently? Tell everyone who you are with a callsign badge engraved while-you-wait by Jim 2E0JTW
- Quiz: Chris G0IPU challenges you to answer some ham radio questions, just for fun
As usual, representatives from Essex Ham, CARS, the Essex Repeater Group, the Essex CW Club and Essex RAYNET will be on hand to help with questions you may have.
The above list is subject to last-minute change.
If you’ve been along to a Skills Night before, you’ll know what to expect – the usual mix of demonstrations, show-and-tell, construction, plus the chance to chat, ask questions and swap ideas. If you’ve not visited a Skills Night before… why not? Come along! It’s a friendly event with free tea and coffee where you can come along and learn more about the hobby. All are welcome, there’s no charge, and you don’t need to be a member of any club to come along.
Where: | Danbury Village Hall, 2 Main Road, Danbury, Chelmsford Essex CM3 4NQ See: Danbury Village Hall Map & Directions |
When: | Monday 16th November 2015 – 7pm to 9pm |
The Essex Skills Night is an initiative from the CARS Training Team, and is supported by Essex Ham. The Skills Night is free to attend, with refreshments provided. The event is open to all regardless of licence level and club affiliation – If you know someone interested in coming along – please pass this message along.
Skills Night Links:
- Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society’s Skill Night page
- Essex Ham’s Skills Night Page – Videos, photos and interactive map
- Amateur Radio at Danbury Village Hall
- Essex Ham’s Summary of previous Skills Nights