Thanks to the team at the Thurrock Acorns for submitting the following story:
Tuesday the 21st of June was the monthly club night for members of the TAARC, at the 1st Grays Scout Hall. During the evening, Miles M6LSZ, one of the newest club members told the story of how he became a radio amateur.
He said it all started years ago when his father was in the RAF. While serving in the RAF his father designed circuits for the various weapons systems and although he was unable to talk in detail about his work Miles interest in electronics grew. When his father moved back into civilian life he continued along the electronics path, developing telephone phone systems. Growing up Miles said ‘he was always curious about electronics, and engineering. His father would sit with him either building electronics kits, or carefully cutting Balsa wood to build gliders’.

Recently Miles decided that he wanted to get involved in amateur radio so he contacted the Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club to find out how to get a licence. With the clubs support he passed his foundation licence and is now very active exploring the amateur bands transmitting audio, television and data modes. Nicholas Wilkinson club chair said ‘talking to Miles it is obvious he has set his sight high. We have three types of licence the foundation, intermediate and advanced. Miles will be taking his intermediate exam in the coming days and I know he is already looking at the advanced. I know the club wish him well and will support him where ever they can”. If you would like to know more about the Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club (
Nicholas Wilkinson club chair said:
‘Talking to Miles it is obvious he has set his sight high. We have three types of licence the foundation, intermediate and advanced. Miles will be taking his intermediate exam in the coming days and I know he is already looking at the advanced. I know the club wish him well and will support him where ever they can”.
The picture shows Miles M6LSZ (right) just after his presentation relaxing with a cup of coffee, talking to a Richard G7OED a TAARC member.
Thanks to the team at Thurrock Acorns for submitting this story.
Related Links
- Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club Website
- TAARC Club Profile
- Essex Ham’s reports on recent TAARC events
- Promote your club events on Essex Ham
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