Tuesday the 18th of February 2014 saw the second formal meeting of the Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club.
As with the first meeting, there was a good turnout of amateurs from in and around the Grays Thurrock area, and lots of interest in signing up as members of Essex’s newest club.
The meeting kicked off at 8pm with a series of announcements from the club’s Chairman Nick G4HCK, including confirmation that TAARC is now officially and RSGB-affiliated club. The club has divided some of its key activities into groups, with a number of coordinators who reported on progress so far. Nick also updated members on the progress of training, reporting that the sea cadets currently in training will be due to sit their Foundation exam next week – we wish them luck.
After a short teabreak, the main event of the evening was a talk from Essex RAYNET, the voluntary organisation that provides emergency communication in times of need.
Chris Layton 2E0STY and Roland Taylor M0BDB from Essex RAYNET outlined some of the history behind RAYNET. It was formed in 1953 after the floods that hit the South East coast. RAYNET can be called out to provide emergency comms in association with the various User Services. They also supply communications for various local charity events, which as well as supporting those charities, gives their team the chance for in-the-field training.
Essex RAYNET falls into RAYNET Zone 4 (East Anglia), and they typically use 2m and 70cm, together with APRS location tracking for their operations. Chris and Roland also explained about the data communication system they use, BPQ32.
The team has a data workshop scheduled for the 8th of March 2014 in Great Baddow, and those interested in find out more about RAYNET and the local team, can go to www.essexraynet.co.uk
The meeting wrapped up just after 10pm. Great to see several of the Monday Night Net attendees there – Nice to catch up with Ricky, Huw, Daniel, Jon, Neil, Peter and others.
Thanks to the team at TAARC for the warm welcome, and the tea and biscuits. Their next meeting takes place on Wednesday the 18th of March.
To find out more about the Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club, and to enquire about membership, events and training, go to www.taarc.co.uk