On Tuesday the 18th of November 2014, the Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club (TAARC) held its monthly meeting.
At this month’s meeting of the Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club, Paul Fuller M0PFX gave an overview of the many satellites that were in orbit around the world and how you could interface with these vehicles. He stated by discussing weather satellites and how it was possible to develop a weather station incorporating the pictures received from the craft as they pass overhead. He then went on to unravel the mystery around the reception of data and the use of Funcube dongles which are used by amateurs and schools around the UK. During the presentation he made reference to computer programs which can be used in the interrogation of the data and the positioning of the satellites. He also explained how it was possible for licenced amateurs to talk to the astronauts in the international space station as it passed overhead.
The talk concluded on the subject of television pictures and future develop in the satellite arena.
The following picture shows Paul and some of the members of the club during the presentation at the November TAARC club night.

Should anyone wish to know more about satellites or the radio club please email Gordon at TAARC via the club’s website at www.taarc.co.uk
Thanks to the team at TAARC for submitting this article to Essex Ham for publication. If you’d like your club event promoted, please mail us your news story.