The latest edition of TX Factor, the online TV show for radio amateurs, has just been released.
This is the sixth TX Factor show, and this time, the team is at the National Hamfest, which was held at the end of September in Newark. A couple of amateurs from Essex feature too!
This edition is well worth a watch, and includes:
- An interview with Rob M0VFC from Cambs Hams (in Flossie)
- An interview with Justin G0KSC from Essex-based Innovantennas
- An interview with Steve G7ENT, who works for Ofcom (and lives in Essex) – He discusses the proposed licence changes and mentions that the interference problems from Powerline Adapters is on the decline
- An interview with Heather, the new RSGB Communication Manager, where there’s discussion of the RSGB’s social media survey
- A commercial for the new TX mug, which required some creative scriptwriting
- There’s also a competition to win a Yaesu VX3

Watch TX Factor Episode 6
You can watch the latest edition of TX Factor online from their website, or on YouTube: