On this page, you’ll find the latest version of the Essex Ham “Getting Started: Welcome To Amateur Radio” video:
(Version 1.4 – 7 mins) – The short link to this page, is www.essexham.co.uk/video
This video requires Adobe Flash. If you can’t view it, scroll down for the YouTube version
About “Welcome To Amateur Radio”
The video was created by the team at Essex Ham to do a number of things
- Give those curious about amateur radio a quick overview
- Demonstrate how a typical Foundation training course is run
- Explain what practicals new candidates need to do
- Outline some of the Foundation syllabus
- Give a little information on progressing through to the Full licence
We’re happy for this to be shared and distributed, so long as it benefits the hobby
Here is a direct link to the YouTube video: Welcome To Amateur Radio (YouTube)
Training Material
Featured in the video is a short selection of Foundation training slides created by Essex Ham as part of a toolkit for Foundation training. If your club is teaching Foundation, and you would be interested in using or review our slideset, please contact us.

Video credits
Thanks to the following people for help with this video
- Producer: Pete M0PSX
- Narrator: Alice Ryan
- Candidate: Kelly M6KFA, presenter of the FrequencyCast Tech Radio Show
- Music: Carl Reader
Thanks also to Chelmsford ARS, and to the voices of several radio amateurs in Essex, including Jim, John, Chris and Mark.
We hope you find the video useful!
YouTube Version
The version on YouTube may not be the most up-to-date, but you’ll find it here:
Found your video very interesting.have been a short wave listener for many years.was trained in the Royal Air Force as a telegraphist. Used racal 17 communication sets. Did morse to 25 wpm,but my morse is quite rusty now. One day might take the plunge and go in for the ham licence. Am 72 now can remember in my teens making crystal sets and one valve radios.
I started my journey into Amateur Radio with your foundation course in the summer of 2017, two years later I hold a full licence (M0RSX) and help with the training at the Lowestoft District and Pye Amateur Radio Club. Thanks for getting me properly involved inthis interesting and varied hobby. Richard