Today, Sunday 03 June 2012 is the annual Open Day at Waters and Stanton in Hockley.
Essex Ham was there, blogging away, and this page has been updated several times throughout the day to reflect the day’s events, and show a few of the highlights.
Despite the less than ideal ‘summer’ weather, and the Jubilee celebrations taking place in Essex, the day was very well attended, with lots of familiar faces, and several newcomers, including three recent “passes” from the CARS Intermediate course (no doubt looking for 50 watt bargains)

As well as the chance to meet other local hams, and to do a little Sunday shopping, W & S laid on free teas and coffees, plus biccies and sausage rolls. Those not looking to pile on calories, were able to shave a few pounds off, at just about everything in store had 10% knocked off today. For even better bargains, the first floor was home to the Service Department tabletop sale, where there were some real bargains to be had. I managed to grab a W-620 SWR and Power Meter for £5, plus a desk mic (minus lead) for less than the price of a Costa Cappuccino, and several ham buddies managed to pick up some other great bits, including power supplies and mains power pack inverters.
W & S put on three talks today, held upstairs on the second floor.
Murray Niman G6JYB telling an enthusiastic audience about the Olympics spectrum and how it affects amateurs.

Peter Waters G3OJV have an interesting talk on microphones, and Justin Johnson G0KSC spoke passionately about Yagi design, LFA Yagis, some rather expensive RF pattern software, and the range of InnovAntennas products.

Also onsite were reps from Yaesu, Kenwood and Icom. Thanks to Yaesu for the free hat, amateur radio map and logbook, and also for the information on their just-announced FT1DR/E digital handheld.

Also at the W & S open day, several member of the CARS (Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society) committee, the ERG (Essex Repeater Group) and Mark Sanderson M0IEO manning the RSGB bookstore (with 10% off).

Well done to the W&S team for putting on this annual shindig in Hockley – Special thanks to Steve, David and James for the catch-up and the great personal service. The day wrapped for up at around 2:30pm, after the presentation to the Region 12 Club Of The Year, LEFARS (Loughton and Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society), and the raffle.

Six lucky winners picked up goodies including a Kenwood TV-D710E, Icom IC-E80D, Yaesu FT-60E, bhi noise cancelling speaker, Quansheng TG-UV2and a goodie bag

Well done to the lads and lasses at Waters & Stanton, and great to see so many of you at this year’s open day. Next one? As far as we know, it’ll be the Christmas Get-together.
Hi Peter,
Another good write-up by you. Re the above raffle prizes , I was lucky enough to win the bhi noise cancelling speaker. I was unable to be present for the draw, but to my surprise by three pm or so my prize was hand delivered by Clive G1 EUC. Many thanks to Clive. Thanks to bhi and all the other suppliers who kindly donated prizes, and of course to W & S for another enjoyable day. Colin TRM
It was our great pleasure to welcome so many radio amateurs to our rainy 22nd Open Day. A great deal of effort goes into the event by all our staff – so these positive comments are very much appreciated. I met a customer from Rayleigh who bought a radio from me in the 1970s in our first small lock-up shop and now looking at a new Elecraft rig! Amateur radio is really a hobby for life!
And boy did we get through some sausage rolls!
Jeff Stanton. G6XYU.