As far as we’re aware, no Essex clubs have been holding any events today to celebrate WARD, although today coincides with one of Thames ARG’s camping trips and the Harlow & District ARS club night. The calendar for activities in Essex for the coming couple of weeks is looking pretty busy though, showing that amateur radio is alive and well in the county of Essex, the birthplace of radio:
Upcoming Essex Amateur Radio Events
Saturday & Sunday 19 & 20 April: The Kelvedon Nuclear Bunker station GB0SNB will be active (GB0SNB April 2014 Activation)
Monday 21st April: CARS will be holding their next Skills Night – The team in Danbury will open the doors for an informal night covering direction-finding, RAYNET, packet data, antenna modelling software, show-and-tell, plus a quiz – Admission’s free and all are welcome – April 2014 CARS Skills Night
Monday 21st April: Braintree & District ARS Bank Holiday Natter Night
Wednesday 23rd April: As a celebration of St George’s Day, a group of Essex Hams will be active at Galleywood Common as GB1STG – St George’s Day Essex Activation
Friday 25th April: Regular weekly meeting of the Harlow & District ARS
Saturday 26th April: International Marconi Day. Chelmsford ARS will be active from the historic Sandford Mill museum in Chelmsford, which contains some excellent Marconi artifacts. A fun day for all the family: CARS International Marconi Day 2014
Saturday 26 / Sunday 27 April: International Marconi Day – Two days of activity from Harlow & District ARS.
Sunday 27th April 2014: Direction Finding event in Danbury. Fancy a go at radio orienteering? Come and give it a go. Danbury DF Event April 2014
Monday 28th April: At 8pm, it;s our Monday Night Net on the GB3DA repeater –
Wednesday 30th April: Havering & District ARC have a talk on “Remote Radio Operation” by John Regnault, G4SWX – The talk was held at a Chelmsford ARS club night recently and was very well received.
May is also looking busy with events including following:
- Mills on the Air
- A talk on the sinking of the Empress of Ireland
- Balloon Tracking at the new home for South Essex ARS
- LEFARS Quiz Night
- Braintree & District ARS AGM
- Essex RAYNET active for the Farleigh Hospice Walk for Life
- A talk from the RSGB in Thurrock
Find out more about the upcoming busy months of amateur radio activity in Essex on our events calendar:
73 to you on World Amateur Radio Day everyone!
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