The first ever Essex Ham Young Ladies Net started at 8pm on Saturday the 7th of November 2015.
The YL Net is hosted by Dorothy M0LMR, one of the regulars on our weekly Monday Night Net. With so many regular YL contributors, the idea of an Essex-wide YL net has been discussed for some time, and Dorothy has stepped up to the plate to run the first one.

Where and When?
The first YL Net took place on Saturday the 7th of November 2015. Start time 8pm, on the GB3DA Danbury 2m repeater
Net Attendees
Here’s the attendance list for this week’s net:
- Dorothy M0LMR, Basildon
- Glynis 2E0CUQ, Hullbridge
- Lisa M6KIS, Witham
- Sarah M6PSK, Southend-on-Sea
- Stella G0EKP, Chadwell St Mary
A couple of stray non-YL popped up too, just to say hello, or came up at the end of the net with congrats:
- Paul M6NFW, Westcliff
- Gordon 2E0IRX, Witham
- Martyn G1EFL, Chelmsford
- David M1ECC, Basildon
- Peter M0WER, Hullbridge
- Brian M6UHN, Chelmsford
- Dean M6NSX, Witham
The net ran for over 2 hours, and was a big hit with attendeees.
Topics for the evening, as follows:
- Proposals – How the YLs got hitched
- Skinny Pigs – Weird little critters
- Xmas pressie ideas
- Favourite kids TV shows
- The upcoming Kempton Rally
The next Essex Ham YL Net is set for Saturday the 5th of December
How the Net Works…
The Net is moderated by a ‘Controller’. The controller for the YL net is Dorothy M0LMR. The Net operates in a rotation. The Chairperson keeps a list of who’s on frequency, and tries to give everyone a turn in rotation. We try to leave regular pauses to invite others to join. If you want to be added to the list, just get the controller’s attention by calling “break” with your callsign when there’s a pause, or wait for the controller to ask for new people to join.
Remember, the GB3DA Danbury repeater has a timeout of 2 minutes – please try to keep your turn within the timeout.
Live Chat: During the Net, we run an Internet chatroom. Go to to get chatting – You need to create a free Essex Ham account to access our chatroom. |
Internet Feed: Not in range of GB3DA? Several Internet feeds are available, including: Monday Night Net uStream (Thanks to Nick M0NFE) – There’s also Essex Ham’s Audio Feed (In BETA, and not always online). On a Smartphone, try SouthEastRadio on Zello |
Our thanks…
Essex Ham would like to thank the Essex Repeater Group for allowing us to use the GB3DA repeater for the YL Net.
The GB3DA repeater, together with GB3ER, GB3DB and GB7ZP are managed by volunteers, and if you wish to support the ERG, you can make a donation online, or become a member, at – ERG is a not-for-profit organisation.
I’m going to let my Karen be in earshot of the YL net, perhaps she will be inspired by Dorothy and the other ladies who take advantage of the YL net.
Good luck Dorothy.
Thank you Brian , xx
goodf work.. wish i could join you..
Thank you, I did enjoy it, in fact I think we all did, looking forward to next month’s one too xx
Brilliant job tonight Dorothy. Lovely talking to all the ladies. Looking forward to 5th Dec for the next one. Lisa
Thankyou Lisa , was good eh, and you sound and , are, so confident on the radio . Lovely to hear you and catch up with you, take care see you soon , and looking forward to the next one too xx