SAGHOTA Launches 1st April 2016

The newest event on the amateur radio calendar launches today, Friday the 1st of April 2016… SAGHOTA.

Standing for Sheds, Allotments and Green Houses On The Air, this new event is designed to encourage some on-air shed-to-shed activations.

Why not activate your shed today as part of the first day of this unique event? Or stay on the bands and help the shed-bound by making contact and helping them towards their activation certificate

For full details of the first SAGHOTA, go to

Three of the Essex Ham team, supporting this year's SAGHOTA
Three of the Essex Ham team, supporting this year’s SAGHOTA
Kathryn in her pink shed. Sadly no licence yet, so SWL-only for SAGHOTA
Kathryn in her pink shed. Sadly no licence yet, so SWL-only for SAGHOTA
The Essex Ham shed, complete with APRS weather station
The Essex Ham shed, complete with APRS weather station

Got a shed, allotment or greenhouse? Then take part in the newly-launched SAGHOTA – from 10:30am on Friday the 1st of April – You’ll be a fool not to!

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  1. David Bondy G4NRT 1 April 2016 Reply
  2. Tom Smerk 13 April 2016 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 13 April 2016 Reply
  3. Tom Smerk 13 April 2016 Reply
    • Pete M0PSXAuthor 13 April 2016 Reply
  4. Tom Smerk 13 April 2016 Reply

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